Why do international corps push woke?

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    Correct, humans don’t exist to spite the planet. But sadly they do. They spread, consume, destroy, and eventually create havoc everywhere they go. Where on earth is anything going well right now? Where? Please, tell us where this sanctuary is on earth right now. Because, I see NONE. Sure places like Iceland, Netherlands, or New Zealand have some decent life, but it’s not all flowers and sunshine there either. The most advanced and “free” society in the world is in turmoil right now, that being the USA. Who is at fault? People.

    People = Problems.

    The religious slant. Ok. God “intended” things for humans. Ok. If he was expecting things to go so well, then what is all the Revelations? Second Coming? Christian’s disappearing leaving the rest behind to suffer. Anti-Christ? The Apocalypse? And, do NOT tell me to ignore all that or twist things. If you claim to be on the religious slant, then you have to face those facts directly from the bible. You can’t pick and choose. In the end, humans aren’t meant to do well until all the horror is finished. A LOT of people are going to die and have hell on earth. Things are going to be far worse than they are. If you go by the bible and god that is.

    The bottom line is humans eventually ruin everything where they spread. In every way. In every place. The more people we have, the more problems we have. And man, that is a historical fact. If you can’t see that blasting you in the face, then you have blinders on. We have more problems than we ever have in human history, and that is all because of people. Sure, he have “advancements” and technology, and all kinds of good things like art and cinema. But behind it all is still the same old corruption, greed, control, power, war, etc. That is allowed to flourish because of over-population. Sure, it’s been around since the dawn of man, but not like it is now.

    Less people = Less problems.

    We need a much smaller populated society spawning quality over quantity. Less pollution. Less wars. More innovation. More creativity. That will NEVER happen with overpopulation. Ever. 

    In most science fiction that has any kind of “utopia”, the population is kept in check. There is a reason for that, and much of what I have said is that reason.

    We may not agree and I do NOT wish any disrespect towards you at all. But, there is a reality happening that is not pretty, it is not kind, and needs to be faced in order to possibly have any kind of future worth a damn, and that involves population control.


    USA is neither the most advanced or the most free. Not since the 1950s. That title would go to Japan.

    That little nitpick aside, I couldn’t agree more. Everything you said is spot on.


    @Wisdom : They don’t have the first and second amendments in Japan. So, I disagree a bit on that. BUT, wokeism isn’t very welcome there, at leas for now, so that is a very big positive. There are also some cultural issues in Japan that are NOT positive at all, such as the over-work mentality that is forced on the masses. Depression is high there too, especially in younger people. There is also some frankly ridiculous censorships there. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Japanese culture for the most part, but they do have some lingering serious problems.

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