Why do people hate Nickleback so much ?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music Why do people hate Nickleback so much ?


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    I’m not a big fan or anything like that, I’m just curious why people have such a passionate hate against Nickleback ?


    I get some of the hate but it’s partially because it’s the trendy thing to do.


      Overplayed to death like Ace of Base and some other early 90s crap.


      Short answer: They sound like massive pussies. IE they are not metal they are weak hair band shit.


      Generic and uninspired. Even worst than hair bands.


      That would be cause many of the hair bands were actually good at the time.


      Honestly don’t know. Always thought they had some good stuff. Maybe some of their songs remind some people too much of their own lives?


        I never understood this either. And it came out of NOWHERE. They were popular and fine, and then one day, BAM. Everyone hated them. It was really weird.


        Chad Nickelback probably ran his mouth like Shia LeBeouf in some interview saying pretentious ass shit which snowballed into an unstoppable hate train online.

        Not that I’m saying they’re anywhere near as talented as Shia, that’s just the way it goes sometimes.

        Actually…now…that’s the way it goes most of the time on social media for anything you might say, pretentious or not.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Shiftygism.

          I think it comes down to Chad Kroeger being a bit of a douche bag. It also doesn’t help that he has come right out and said he writes specifically what he thinks will sell. He has said that he studied years of the top charts to see what the common thread was that made that music popular and boiled it down to a formula. The dude approaches music as a job and not as a passion and there is nothing wrong with that. But it rubs a lot of people the wrong way.


          Must be why it all sounds the same.

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