Why do you like Anime

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  • #159137

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>The reason why I made this topic is the same reason as the other topic I made</p>


    I like Anime because of this although I wasn’t a Anime Fan before:

    Interesting Storytelling, Concepts, and Worldbuilding

    Badass Fight Scenes and Action Scenes

    Excellent Weapon Designs and Mecha Designs

    Awesome Superpowers and Techniques

    It’s Interesting and Unique

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

    Honestly, it’s some of the best visual story telling out there today. Characters, scenery, music. Anime has it all. Granted, the scale of good to mediocre is always there, but when anime good…it’s REALLY good.

    Also, it’s one of the only mediums these days where you can get consistent stories told in fantasy and sci-fi settings, and that’s my bread and butter.


    My reasoning is kind of similar to what others have said so far. Family members don’t really understand why an adult would watch any sort of cartoon, so this is the way that I explain it to them.

    I like anime first and foremost because of the concepts. Obviously to stick with it, the story and characters need to be on point, but the concepts are what get me into the shows, and what got me interested in anime. There’s something for everyone, but my favorites are the Sci-Fi and Fantasy ones. I like them because the ideas and stories they tell are the kind of things limited to just that medium. Live action movies and TV shows covering the same stuff doesn’t work. The closest you get is in the manga (obviously) or in books. With so few good Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories coming out of Hollywood these days, Anime is the only place to get an animated story within these genres that have quality characters, action, humor and story. Let me give some examples of shows with intriguing concepts that would not translate well (or would be too expensive). I’ve got a special soft spot for magic systems too so I noted a couple below that were especially interesting to me.

    Fullmetal Alchemist and FMA: Brotherhood – The idea of Alchemy as an exact science and the law of equivalent exchange. (Interesting Magic System)

    Psycho-Pass – A future where the government monitors your mood using an omnipresent system. Technology implanted into weapons eliminates the need for judge, jury, and executioner.

    Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: Mages summon the souls of dead legends like Hercules, King Arthur, and Gilgamesh to fight for a wish-granting Holy Grail

    Berserk: A loner mercenary joins an army, becomes close with them, and experiences the ultimate betrayal.

    Hunter X Hunter: Lots going on here. Hard to explain…(interesting magic system)

    Dargonball, Naruto, Bleach: Follow a young man as he taps into the immense power within him and fights to save everyone he cares about, complete with (planet-busting abilities).

    One-Punch Man – A story that is silly on its face but makes fun of the hero tropes found in DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, etc, with a character who beats all opponents in one punch.

    The list goes on and on. It all comes down to the concepts and ideas that wouldn’t be possible to explore in any other visual medium.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I used to like anime. I was into Macross/Robotech, Vampire Hunter D, and such back in the day. Until … I had a roommate after college whom I accidentally walked in on as he was watching some hentai, needless to say I have since been scarred for life.</p>
    Have a good day.


    I like anime, because the different and unique characters you get introduced to and the amazing worlds and scenarios/plot that you are thrown into with them and are able to follow with these characters and go on these adventures though each episode and getting to know their personalities and situations they are in. Plus being able to escape the real world and be fully immersed  into this animes and just be in awe of being whisked away to a far off distant world or sitting in the cockpit of a mech ready to do battle or engaged in an awesome fight scene seeing the different weapons they use/wield or magical powers they possess.


    Watch season 1 of Batwoman TV Show, then watch Re: Zero season 1. The difference in artistic quality is abysmal.

    I love anime because it give us the opposite of western entertainment. Charismatic characters, great character designs, better stories, respectable moral values, they make beautiful 2D content instead of cheap 3D shows or hiper-realistic crap and there are lot of variety of genres. But the most important thing: the objective is to make you enjoy it. There are no agendas, they don’t attack people, they don’t insult fans, they don’t judge you. Every anime’s purpose is to make a good story and characters.

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