Why does modern media (games/music/movies/tv) suck?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming PC Gaming Hub Why does modern media (games/music/movies/tv) suck?

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  • #306353

      This is relatively simple to answer.

      1) agenda driven content void of anything close to entertaining

      2) the lack of choice (huge conglomerates control most of the landscape)

      3) lack of competition (because of #2 the huge corps stomp out or acquire anything really good or evolutionary)

      4) because of #2 and #3 big corps churn out low effort moderate profit content on a short schedule as it is predictable and does not cost near as much as something truly a work of art (IE Madden)

      5) because dingdongs buy the low effort garbage in spite of #2,#3, and #4 and all that does is ensure it keeps happening


      Absolutely, but also let also not forget the ESG woke agenda is caused social credit scoring from big Investors.

      I assure you that if it wasn’t for the hand that feeds them, I feel like they wouldnr have considered these agendas to push and keep their agenda pushing down to the minimum like they did in older days if they didn’t have any financial incentives.

      Because you have smaller video game devs pushing this crap too which they most likely accepted ESG investors money too, so we have to consider the fact the lack of options is due to controlling investors.


      Oh and woke college students. Let’s face it marketing has gone woke too. College students being mislead on telling consumers what they want instead of listening to the consumers. Woke college students being brainwashed into agenda driven content is another reason.

      Your bud light marketing: woke college student. That will be one to remember lol. If colleges turn out graduates that don’t understand ‘sex sells’ then what are they teaching them? Disgusting indoctrinations and DEI.

      Yup. Let’s also add these to the list because I have options to not watch anything and read good books.

      <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.
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