Why Is There No More Originality In Western Animation?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Why Is There No More Originality In Western Animation?

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      Simply put, laziness.

      Or rather, tiredness.

      I see it as a consequence of our culture declining. You can tell a lot about a time period’s culture from it’s art, and when you see art celebrating ugliness over beauty, it says a lot about the person creating it. They don’t value anything that is made to last.

      I, personally, loathe the “CalArts” style. The guy’s right that there are a lot of other different factors that took us to this point, but I’m pretty sure it ended up setting a precedent. That art style took off somewhere in the mid-late 2010’s, right around when many Millennials (my generation) started leaving college and entering the workforce. And while, of course, it’s a bit silly to suggest they all went CalArts, they clearly copied off it because it’s easier to draw.

      Maybe Western animation will have a renaissance, one day. But not while our countries remain morally confused and in a state of mass hysteria.


        The most annoying thing about “calarts”, at least to me, is that it practically has a monopoly over today’s cartoons, also most times it’s completely unappealing

        Not to say there aren’t exceptions, Gumball’s one where this art style actually suits the show

        Even with the Ben 10 reboot, although I wasn’t a fan of the art style, initially it wasn’t that which bothered me, but the story just was no where near as good as the original, it’s this latest attempt of introducing the original versions of Ben in the reboot with the reboot “art” that’s starting to really make me hate it

        And don’t get me started on the new Aquaman cartoon, I think they took inspiration from a toilet bowl for that 🚽

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by DigiCat.

          They cannot even come up with Original Material for new movies or tv shows… heck cannot even make decent adaptations of good Novels. You expect good Anime that requires higher level of imagination?

          Get a Youtube channel and do it yourself, ive read enough of your post to think you could easily have a great Anime Channel you are creative and smart.


          Gumball’s one where this art style actually suits the show

          That show was the spawn of the anti-christ….


          It is like going from watching Television on a Sony 85 Inch 4K Full Array LED Android T.V. to watching on a Sony Trinitron.


          I have not watched a lot of animated shows recently but that Ben 10 video really highlights how far some of these western animation studios have fallen. I think it does take a lot of effort to come up with something original but what excuse is there to take a piece of work that already exists and make it worse?


          I think is ultimately does come down to laziness but this is just taking the piss.



          Key word mentioned was monopoly. The media is in too few hands. All the opportunity is online now, so that’s where one would have to start. Network media gives ZERO opportunity. You should see when The Simpsons started on the Tracy Ullman show. The animation was terrible, even worse than the finished product, but somehow, it made it. I was never into South Park. You could say the same thing about music, that they dumbed it way down. You don’t hear saxophones or guitars much anymore. Just electronic pulses.


            That show was the spawn of the anti-christ….

            , ok… now I want to know why 😁


            @Digicat All you have to do is watch 5 mins of that atrocity, and its stupidity melts your brain from the title character of Gumball being perhaps the dumbest kid in the world, to the retarded pink bunny that was the father, and then the uber Karen of a mother and ultimate little bitch of a sister. And to keep this on topic for the thread, the entire animation, with the sometimes realism crap stuck in there, was gawd awful.

            Everything about that show was crack addict story telling and mind killing. And I’ll admit, I never watched hours and hours of it, but back in the day while waiting for something decent to come on like Adventure Time or maybe a late night roll over to Adult Swim when it was good, that shit would come on and kill what few brain cells I had left that day.


              All you have to do is watch 5 mins of that atrocity, and its stupidity melts your brain from the title character of Gumball being perhaps the dumbest kid in the world

              😂😂😂 He set fire to a swimming pool 💧💧💧🔥🔥🔥 in the first episode 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

              Ironically, I’d watch Gumball to unwind after my brain’d been fried for whatever reason, guess I was just frying it further 😂😂🔥🧠

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