why kathleen kennedy is good for star wars

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    Why Kathleen Kennedy Is Good For Star Wars

    if you have had a crap day and want a laugh, this is the article for you, shilling aint easy


    Nope she’s not good for Star Wars. Plus she might leaving be Lucasfilm. Although her leaving won’t completely fix it. Since she’s not the only problem. Yeah that’s right, Disney is a problem for Star Wars too.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by VinzingerG.

    Once Krazy KK is gone whoever replaces her needs to do a top to bottome fire sale of the current employees. All of the ‘story group’ need to go. Pablo the Hutt needs to be removed. Then and only then maybe will NOT-Lucasfilm return to glory.


    I hope Favreau takes over.


    Favreau would be a good replacement as long as Dave Filoni stays in charge of the story group.  I’m guessing he has spent a lot of time with George Lucas and how he crafted stories that actually work and resonate.

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