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One of the thing the radical left pushes are “rights” for “sex workers”. It even is now quasi part of LGBT. I could not figure out why. Then it occurred to me after watching this vide0. They are not pushing for adult sex work. They are pushing for child sex work. And it’s not sex work it’s prostitution and its good for no one. It’s a blight on a society for many reasons.
These groomers will do anything so they can sexually abuse minors.
Paid, kidnapped/trafficked, from positions of authority, so called “consensual”, etc.
These preverts/pedos needs to be chemically and medically castrated and locked into a heavy labour camp in Siberia.
Society is obsessed with sex, that’s why. Young kids are exposed and molded into sex and sexual things at VERY young ages now. Public Schools are half the problem.
With every new day I see more and more things like this and wonder when the end times will finally come. They may “be here” but they need to come fully so we can get this finished and done with.
More stuff on “sex workers”.
Sex sells, it has always been like that. I see nothing wrong with women tapping into that market, as they have the freedom for that under capitalism. Many have become dumb rich for that and if they have no problem showing explocit material then good for them. I see no problem in that at all. I do obviously oppose pimping and scamming, which unfortunately happens a lot in sex work. Like Andrew Tate for example. And underage sex work obviously.
People on the left push for sex work to let women decide if they wanna capitalize on their body but absolutely not minor sex work of course. That’s just a chosen few sickos. It’s like saying right wingers want to normalize school shooting, first they push for less gun laws and then they go deeper and shoot up schools
“Sex sells, it has always been like that.”
Very true
” I see nothing wrong with women tapping into that market”
Because it is degrading and harms women. Sure it can make you some cash (just like dealing drugs can) but in the long run both are VERY unhealthy and why they traditionally have been illegal. Watch a documentary or 2 on drugs and or prostitution and come back and tell me if you think it’s some boon of freedom and money.
“absolutely not minor sex work of course”
That’s where it’s trying to go. And yes agreed, that is very wrong and I will call it evil.
I thought modern feminist are against the objectifying of the female body.
They want females to be free to use their bodies any way they want (sell it for sex, be it in person, or thru sex shows, images, videos, etc).
They want BOTH.
Since it is so readily available, in order to keep it fresh/stimulating, they need to go into more extreme, more unusual, etc/ to get their kinks.
So moving toward the underaged, the teens, the preteens, and into bestiality or porn/sexual exploitation of the young (including infants) is the direction they want to normalize by always pushing the boundries.
Because it is degrading and harms women.
How tho? If a woman is confident in her body and wants to show it then pop off, I don’t care. The degrading is just a social stigma that people have. But if a woman doesn’t care then why should anyone stop her? Regarding harming, I agree that actual prostitution can be dangerous because the client can be some weird psycho and also a risk of diseases but I don’t see how a woman capitalizing on her body through OnlyFans for example harms anyone.
For people who can’t stop yapping about freedom y’all sure like to gatekeep on what women can or can’t do. Why not mind your own business instead of getting upset that some girl made mad dough from showing titties or some shit.
I thought modern feminist are against the objectifying of the female body.
They want females to be free to use their bodies any way they want
They want BOTH.
congratulations, you answered your own question and I highlighted the crucial part.
Women want the freedom to choose what they wanna do. If a female has good looks and perfect body proportions, doesn’t mean it’s okay to sexualize, objectify, cat call, touch or anything like that if the person doesn’t want it.
However, a woman should have the option to use what she has for making money. If she is okay woth being objectified to get her bread on OnlyFans etc then no one should be able to stop her from making her money that way. It’s not illegal. If a woman is confident in her body and wants to show it then go for it. But sometimes the sexualization is a character she plays for her page (be it OnlyFans or whatever) and sexualizes herself on the platform but doesn’t like to be harrassed or objectified in public.
Think of it like a movie character. If an actor plays a psycho pedo whatever in a movie, it’s okay to hate the character on the screen and be mad at the character. But if you see the actor on the street, you don’t start throwing punches at the guy.
Basically as I said in my previous message. Mind your own business and stop gatekeeping what women can or can not do. Don’t sexualize women or overstep any boundaries, but if she wants to show off her body then let her do it. It doesn’t harm you.
” If a woman is confident in her body and wants to show it then pop off, I don’t care. The degrading is just a social stigma that people have.”
This is why the new made up language of the radical left is dangerous. They use a conjured term like “sex work” to make it sound ok and throw everything under the sun into the term. What I am talking about here is actual prostitution. With that stated your statement is incorrect. Social stigma is not what shatters lives and destroys dreams, it’s prostitution, drugs and even sex trafficing. Those things are bad because they are bad not because we just think they are.
I am not gatekeeping anything. You can have freedom but obviously some things must be illegal. I am sure we could make a purely ancap argument for prostitution but I am not an ancap.
Now as it relates to things like porn. And yes doing stuff on only fans IS porn. Should that be illegal? From my conservative/libertarian point of view no. Can I think it is immoral? Yes. And I don’t think it’s good for men or women either in the long run. However , as it differs from all the things wrapped up in prostitution it should not be condemned to illegality but it should only be for adults.
They use a conjured term like “sex work” to make it sound ok and throw everything under the sun into the term.
well isn’t selling nudes, lewds or masturbation videos sexual? And since they are getting paid for it, it’s work. So therefore sex work. I agree that actual prostitution should at the very least be regulated since it can be dangerous and also used as pimping or human trafficking.
And yes doing stuff on only fans IS porn. Should that be illegal? From my conservative/libertarian point of view no. Can I think it is immoral? Yes.
However , as it differs from all the things wrapped up in prostitution it should not be condemned to illegality but it should only be for adults.
okay so we pretty much agree on it then. I still don’t find it immoral but it’s just opinions.
“well isn’t selling nudes, lewds or masturbation videos sexual? And since they are getting paid for it, it’s work. So therefore sex work.”
No, that’s called porn. Sugarcoat if you wish and that’s the entire point of the language overhaul. I refuse to play that game.
Women want the freedom to choose what they wanna do. If a female has good looks and perfect body proportions…
Then why have the feminists got so many fellow females jobs lost.
Ring girls are disappearing.
Those at races, or car shows are also disappearing.
Why? People feminists are IMO jealous of the young, good looking, health females. Why be healthy and attractive when you can be fat and obese with tonnes of issues and still claim to be desirable? They are delusional, IMO.
The forced woke companies like Victoria’s Secrets to remove Victoria’s Angels with IMO land whales and freeks. And the obvious happened… sales TANKED. Why, become the feminists/woke made it so via their control on the marketing department.
It is an attack on females by feminists.
IMO, they want people to get normalized to accept feminists as “sexy”, something to be desired, when I find most of what they do as repulsive.
Modern Artwork in most cases are UGLY.
So then allow them to use (and abuse) they bodies however they want, just don’t force others to accept YOUR decisions. Take RESPONSIBILITIES for those decisions.
“Then why have the feminists got so many fellow females jobs lost.
Ring girls are disappearing.”
Because it’s not general freedom they are after, just freedom from consequences. Outside of that they are more than happy to be authoritarian.
Outside of that they are more than happy to be authoritarian.
So long as it is them dictating without question. No other point of views are allowed.