Why the emphasis on “sex workers”

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Why the emphasis on “sex workers”

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    Then why have the feminists got so many fellow females jobs lost.

    Ring girls are disappearing.

    you do understand there are many different feminists right? Some are completely anti-sex work while some are the completely the opposite going full free the nipple. I’d say both sides are different kinds of radical feminists. But most women really just want control over their lives and freedom to choose their source of income. Ring girls disappearing is a bad decision in my opinion as it robs women a chance for work. And it did spark an outrage about men removing work from women.

    Anyway, my point is still the same. Let women make money however they want as long as it’s legal. Mind your business and don’t try to control what other can or can’t do.


    “well isn’t selling nudes, lewds or masturbation videos sexual? And since they are getting paid for it, it’s work. So therefore sex work.”

    No, that’s called porn. Sugarcoat if you wish and that’s the entire point of the language overhaul.  I refuse to play that game.

    dude I’m not sugarcoating I’m using correct terms. Porn is sex work. It’s a part of sex work. Sex work is paid employment involving sexual acts, be it solo or with other, recorded or live. Prostitution and porn are both under sex work.


    Prostitution is the oldest profession…




      “dude I’m not sugarcoating I’m using correct terms”

      “Sex work” is a made up phrase that came into the lexicon within the last few years to push an agenda. Pornography is the correct term but you don’t want to use it because it has negative connotations and it does for good reason. Words that are and have been part of our language for a long time are there for good reason.  Just because you don’t like them does not mean they are not accurate.



      Sex work” is a made up phrase that came into the lexicon within the last few years to push an agenda. Pornography is the correct term but you don’t want to use it because it has negative connotations and it does for good reason. Words that are and have been part of our language for a long time are there for good reason.  Just because you don’t like them does not mean they are not accurate.

      dawg don’t come at me with the facts don’t care about your feelings when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

      Sex work has been used for a long fucking time, second and third wave feminists in the 80’s and 90’s were already in favor of sex work. There’s documented evidence as far back as 1979 about women defending prostitution and porn under the name of sex work. Sex work has always been a phrase that includes every kind of work involving sex, be it porn or prostitution.

      It’s like saying ”people are sugarcoating basketball and calling it this weird buzzword ”sport”. Just say basketball dude!”

      It’s a phrase that has existed for a long time.


      The term “sex work” is credited to activist Carol Leigh, aka Scarlot Harlot. It is used to acknowledge the labor of sex work and to destigmatize the work of individuals engaged in the industry.

      Carol Leigh (aka Scarlot Harlot) coined the term “sex work” in 1978


      @Legatus_Legionis what’s the point here?


      what’s the point here?

      To show when the term is credited as ACTUALLY having been used.

      I wasn’t in the last few years, as 40+ years is not a few.  And to show your “documented evidence” is true…. with facts.


      Oh yeah, I thought you were trying to argue against my point. I guess I’m too used to opposing you on arguments lol


      Oh yeah, I thought you were trying to argue against my point. I guess I’m too used to opposing you on arguments lol

      While I might disagree with the vast majority of what you say, there are times I agree/back you up.

      And that is one of the reason I like what Jeremy has done with the creation of the G&G forums.  They allow people with different “opinions” to come together and talk/debate points.


        In it’s common use it is recent.  I am certain prior to 1978 someone put those 2 words together making it even older.  But that does not matter beyond be being technically incorrect about the credited creation of the term.  I was alive prior to ’78 and only now is the term used as a hammer to try to destigmatize something that is inherently bad.  If nothing else it shows how slippery the slope is.

        What’s at discussion here is not the term or any term itself but the attempt to destigmatize things we have considered wrong for a long long time.  And “sex work” is but one of those things.


        @Vknid, I also lived thru the 70’s, and I recall the term “sex worker” being used then.

        So it must have been that it was not universally being used, but it WAS being used (at least were I was).

        One being “allowed to offer they body for sex” was being pushed, while those willing to pay for it (the “johns”) were still being attacked.


          “One being “allowed to offer they body for sex” was being pushed, while those willing to pay for it (the “johns”) were still being attacked.”

          Not something I can remember but let’s say it’s made a come back.  That’s pretty interesting because that same scenario is playing out again.


          Not something I can remember but let’s say it’s made a come back.  That’s pretty interesting because that same scenario is playing out again.

          lots of political topics are coming and going in cycles (some in different forms) depending on how they are handled. My point was just that advocating for women to be able to get their bag however they want legally without being restricted by men is an old talking point and was not invented by blue haired smelly radlibs as some may suggest.

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