Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › WHY, The Nintendo Direct was The BEST
Tagged: Nintendo, NintendoDirect, NintendoSwitch, SuperMario
Man, this game showcase was so refreshing after all the American cringefest showcases. Sony was the 2nd best but still had cringe. See here is the thing, Nintendo knows how to target audiences of ALL ages without insulting anybody’s intelligence. Compare this Showcase to the PC or Devolver showcase & you will see a stark contrast in the marketing & advertising. Japan wants their people smart, America wants them to consume at all costs without limit. ‘We want more! MOAR!!!!!!!!!” & it never enough for the stupid.
I loved every minute of the Nintendo Direct showcase. SPOILERS AHEAD!
I could not believe when they announced, Super Mario RPG Remake! I LOVED that game as a teen & I beat it 4 times & replayed it 5 years ago. This looks to be a shot for shot remake of the OG. The new Super Mario Bros Wonder game also looks great & fun!
Xbox has to fail in order to rise back up as the Giant they used to be. I strongly believe that the Nintendo Branded games like Super Mario will remain woke free. Mainly because there are many generational developers involved with the brand still. They did not give in to the lunatic mobs that demanded pride flags in Mario Cart & even removed levels or elements in the tracks made by the “Community”. When the “Community” pushed them on it & called them of course Transformerfobes, Nintedo just said we do not support any for of Political, ideological discord or activism (or whatever). Then they ignored anything else that the “Community” threw at them, until they just stopped.
Lastly, this was my FIRST ever Nintendo Direct & I have to say, if I watched a Nintendo Direct before, I probably would have gotten a switch instead of an Xbox Series X alongside my Playstation 5.
(I absolutely hate to ask this but I am a little desperate right now. If you guys watch the video, PLEASE leave a like on it. It helps the channel by showing that there is interest in the video & they will recommend it more often, that’s what they say. The video was copywrite claimed by Pokemon for ALL their footage so that will also hinder the spread of the video until the studio hopefully removes their claim & I could make 5$ off the video lol)
Thank YOU for Watching.