Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Movies › Will the SJW Infestation ever end?
I really hope you’re right
Quick answer – No
Long answer – No because currently there is no reason for it to. They basically get a free pass with MSM and social media and truly believe that in ‘the real world’ we are all lapping this shit up. I thought that the ‘get woke go broke’ would have forced this shit to end by now but it seems Hollywood (and big businesses) has deeper pockets than everyone thought. They take hit after hit on woke trash and still just plough through.
I haven’t been interested in mainstream TV and Movies for well over a year, maybe two. All I see when I watch trailers (or news) as agenda based crap plastered over everything. I’m regressing LOL I sit in my hobbit hole of gaming and movies and just watch ‘the old one’ like some sort of hermit.
Ironically, it’s why I took a chance on this place, a chance to speak my mind about genuinely shit (or great for that matter) stuff without fear of agendabenders ragging on it.
Ironically, it’s why I took a chance on this place, a chance to speak my mind about genuinely shit (or great for that matter) stuff without fear of agendabenders ragging on it.
This was me two years ago until I found the Fandom Menace and Comicsgate. Finding out I was not alone in how I felt was so liberating.
In the case of the entertainment industry, as long as we continue to boycott the woke trash they put out, one of two things will happen:
1. The companies get wise to the fact that they are losing money on the path they’re going, and start producing content their customers want.
2. They dig their heels and continue making woke trash, and they go out of business.
With large companies (especially Disney), it may take longer, but one of these two outcomes will take place.
A lot of the cases of these companies going woke and going broke remind me of what happened when Capcom tried to reboot their “Devil May Cry” franchise with “DmC: Devil May Cry.” While the developer Capcom hired to make the game, Ninja Theory, didn’t go woke, they used a lot of the same tactics like making many unpopular changes and insulting the fans when they objected. When “DmC: Devil May Cry” released, it’s sales numbers were lower than “Devil May Cry 2” which many consider to be the worst game in the series. Some time passed, and then Capcom released “Devil May Cry 5” last year which was packed with many of the things the fans wanted, and the sales numbers reflected that. Now, the future of the “Devil May Cry” series looks bright.
So the journey might be frustrating, but I believe that, with patience, and sticking to our principles, the fans (customers) will win.
Hmm on second thought when China takes over the world through economic oppression there will only be “State Approved” representation….something tells me the SJW’s won’t like it.
Yeah, the China thing is insidious and a lot of the time SJW crap overshadows it. I actually keep forgetting about it but then you see another story about censorship or stories changes (or settings moved) to appease Papa Pooh. I wonder if they will ever clash? I mean look at the Boyega stuff on the posters LOL not too many mainstream stories about it.
When I look at current events with the Far-Left pulling down statues and declaring Capitol Hill an autonomous zone, I’d like think this is it: Wokeism has finally reached its fever-pitch and is in its death-throes, the most violent among them lashing out because they know they’re losing and can only react like a cornered, feral animal. Libertarian lefties, previously eagerly tweeting out BlackLivesMatter, have now fallen deathly silent, because they know they know cannot endorse this behavior in good conscience, but fear retaliation from their own side.
We’re far from being out of the woods yet, and I think it will only continue to get worse from here. 2020 could be the year wokeism finally dies, but it would take nothing less than an utter, complete repudiation of their politics to finally force people to reconsider their positions. Antifa-types are too far gone, but maybe, finally, normies might begin to understand just how perverse and insidious far-left ideology is. Even assuming we win, there’d still be a lot of work ahead to undo the damage that’s been inflicted.
I guess you could say I’m still the optimist, even after all this.
Until the General Audience and Public says enough is enough
Also when companies stop bending the knee and get back into the business of making money
We must stand strong. Feminism and social justice must be opposed every step of the way. They are relentless and we must counter that by being ever vigilant.
Feminism is more dangerous than you think. They will not stop until everything men enjoy is taken away and men are completely subservient to women.
There has already been one publicly known meeting of women discussing how to get mandatory chemical castration for men into legislation.
We fight where we can.
We should not support Star Wars until Disney publicly apologizes to the fans for the sexist ‘The force is female’ feminist propaganda.
If it continues, I’ll be saving a lot of money on movies. It’s like Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. They seem to just be rebooting everything. So sad no one has written any books in the last 5 years. Lol. Make Drinkers’ series into movies!
Lots of us are writing, we are simply being gate kept from getting access to selling our IPs because of SJWs. Now whether or not our IPs are actually good will remain to be seen as we continue to both strive to break through the gates or go the independent route like Comicsgate.
The decadence of Hollywood alongside its coming collapse will open doors not previously there for many of us. We simply have to be prepared to run through them and grab attention.
I honestly don’t know what we can do to stop this insanity, because it doesn’t seem to be slowing down, and they are using the pandemic crisis to their advantage.
Many people are not aware of the woke campaign/propaganda/agenda within the mainstream media and entertainment business and they will naively trust mainstream websites. Movie/TV rating websites are, nowadays, one of the biggest targets of the woke people and companies, they use it to show their “power”, many times having paid reviews on those websites.
The sad thing is: Many people will waste time watching mediocre movies/shows because of the astonishing fake ratings. Even me and my family sometimes got tricked by it and waste time watching some garbage because “it has more than 6.5/10 rating, it should be okay?”.
As an example, now we have this kind of propaganda:
“‘The Old Guard’ Is a Record-Shattering Success—So Let’s Stop Being Squeamish About Gay Superheroes”
Record-Shattering Success? These people are insanely stupid, I really think they are reaching a limit where they can’t go more stupid than this.
Now lets see that movie “the old guard” rating on IMDB, for instance: 6.7/10
For example, it is higher than Revolver (6.4), same as The Equalizer 2 (6.7), only slightly lower than Red Dragon (7.2); Wonder Woman (7.4); 10 Cloverfield Lane (7.2); Face/Off (7.3); Unbreakable (7.3); Den of Thieves (7.0); etc… All these movies, like it or not, are absolutely on a much higher level than this kind of trash woke agenda movie. But now, on rotten tomatoes or on IMDB, ratings don’t mean nothing anymore, any stupid woke movie can have a 7/10 rating and a bunch of people will spend their time watching plain garbage.
That’s why I think people with common sense should join forces and step up, find a solution and maybe create an entertainment rating website where only real people could rate and we could have the option to hide ratings made by kids/sjws (not sure how thou lol)
When we hit gattaca
When we hit gattaca That would be the ends