Will the SJW Infestation ever end?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Will the SJW Infestation ever end?

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    The SJWs are the true Decepticons. No questions asked. Whatever they touch, it burns in hell. Just like how the real decepticons would want to see it in.


    It’s not going to end, but new companies will emerge and they’ll have different views. Soon we’ll live in a very divisive society due to the extreme politics and movements created in these recent years.

    But at least we’ll be able to choose which kind of entertainment we want to consume. There’s going to be a new “netflix” but anti-woke. Same with movie companies,  video-game companies, sport companies, etc. The bad news is in the beginning, the quality won’t be too high because the money and big time celebrities are all on the left. But that will, slowly, change.


    Once people start using their wallet and other means, I think there may be a slow change that will take time as better businesses begin to pop up.  But I will say this…Republicans need to take control of this country again for decades to come. Heck…I have a few ideas but I’m not sure who to pitch it to.  One thing is for sure…as a certain Sith Lord once told a false god: I WILL NEVER AGAIN KNEEL TO YOU!


    People are getting sick of the Marxist propaganda and being called racists. The US gov is pulling funding from that critical race theory nonsense 20200920_110712


    The US massively dropped the ball on defending its interests against foreign influences in their education and media over the last half century while they’ve been focusing on waging wars with every God-forsaken country on the planet, and because of this the whole world is paying the price as virtually every movie and piece of entertainment comes out of the US so the whole world is turned upside-down by following trends that were designed to demoralize and destroy society. The only exceptions are far-East countries like Japan and Taiwan where English isn’t spoken and they have their own entertainment industries. It will take the equivalent amount of effort over the same period of time to undo the damage.


    I think that once when movie studios fail, game studios fail, legacy media fails, and all those who promote swj/cancel culture are gone, can we get true entertainment back.

    No entity should be “too big to fail”.

    Helle-weird needs to fall.

    The cancer must be removed.

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