Woke people can’t distinguish agenda from fictional writing

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    Yes, you heard me correctly my fellow Americans ” Woke people can’t distinguish l agenda from fantasy” but what do I mean when I say this?

    Well let me break it down: I have seen woke people consistently argue that fictional politics are the same as pushing a real world political agenda by making the claim of: “if you write anything fictional involving politics, that makes the story political….”

    Except it doesn’t. What makes writing political? A political agenda, a real world political agenda being pushing into fictional world.

    A prime example: Superboy in DC comics has recently had a task of fighting disinformation and somehow magically written gay without any warning, but somehow thats not a political agenda to them and if you call it out, they then turn it around and say “comics were always political”  and they use arguments like “but what about when lex luthor became president” or something involving the fictional police character getting a symbiote… But tell me, how are any of these fictional stories pushing an agenda?


    They’re not, they’re just stories meant to be fun. If I write a story about a superheroes fighting an evil empire, is the evil empire I’m writing about real? Nope! But if I make the emperor look like Biden aborting babies to power a death ray, am I push an anti democrat agenda? YES.

    But to the left, the first would be considered pushing a real agenda.

    It doesn’t stop there either, they think fictional characters should be able to consent to being sexualized…. THEY THINK FICTIONAL CHARACTERS CAN CONSENT.

    I’m sorry, but how far has the sanity fallen from the left? This is why everything woke turns to shit because nothing can be creative anymore, it all has to encompass a political agenda for them. Escapism is meant to escape from reality, but how can we do that if they’re pushing reality into our escapism?

    I’m just done with arguing with stupid people. How batshit dumb do you have to be before people start doing something about it? Look how far we have fallen in society when lunatics are allowed to voice ignorance to such volume that you’d have to argue with them online about it?!


    It’s a fucking madhouse! God save us for this insanity.


      I would not let them off so easy and let’s be honest this does happen on both sides.  But for the right it’s the extreme small minority, for the radical left it’s a way of life.

      But this is like the difference between stupid and ignorant. Stupid people are actually lacking intelligence and as such have a reason why they might make bad decisions.  Ignorant people are of normal intelligence and just are uninformed and often times intentionally so.  In that case blame belongs to that person.

      Woke people are not stupid.  That are a combination of ignorant or choose the delusion knowing what the truth really is.  This happens often because many of them construct their personal identity based on something the left supports. If that go against any of that, regardless of how insane, it invalidate the person they have constructed.

      But the delusion is unsustainable. If the woke win, we will not have a woke world or country.  It will fall apart and will do so very rapidly (that’s the entire point and what the WEF wants).  The woke insanity only survives as a leech as it drains resources from the host of the systems society provides.  Once the leech has pulled enough resources away, the host ceases to be and so the leech ceases to be.


      Comics always contained some propaganda. I used to love X-men and it made me laugh that they were oppressed by society because it played on the whole hipster outcast thing. The thing is, some people cannot recognize propaganda, but the difference is that, before, it was subtle and slick and nuanced. Now, it’s over and ham-fisted and it makes for poor stories. It’s very sloppy and clumsy now to the point where they just lie when everyone knows they are lying. One of those things, like you said, it the whole claim of disinformation. There is a good video online of a CIA agent from the 80s or 70s and, even back then, he said they would feed stories to the media and every forth one was a fake story in order to be able to make that claim of disinformation.

      Will say that I do think a lot of news stories over the years were meant to make the right paranoid but the right is no longer in authority. I try to be on the right because of the values and beliefs, but will say that I get tricked and fooled by The BabylonBee a lot!! https://babylonbee.com/ In fact, it’s almost art and a contest to come up with headlines that will trick and fool the reader. It goes to show that no matter how literate you think you are, there is a lot of deception out there and some of it is even intentional by the intelligence agencies.


        “but the right is no longer in authority”

        The right as we define it today was never in authority.  The same establishment folks who said we needed a wall and marriage was between a man and a woman are now radical leftists in power.  The same people (group) have been in power for decades, they just pretend to be on whatever team keeps them in power.

        ” before, it was subtle and slick and nuanced”

        This is 100% true.  I can show you movies and TV from the 80’s that simply had mentions of certain things that at the time one might consider a salient thought but now we know it’s propaganda.   Hell, Sesame Street was teaching kids Spanish in the 70’s.  Sure, that makes sense today.  But 50 years ago that seems pretty odd and always made me wonder why that was.

        The propaganda is now overt and ubiquitous.  It’s the final push to capture culture and therefore society. I see a major shift to common sense now, but with them in power I am not sure it will be in time to stave off either some sort of revolution or society falling apart.


        From my experience, the woke want their fantasy to become reality.  To them fantasy equals reality, and reality has yet to catch up in most instances.





          “From my experience, the woke want their fantasy to become reality”

          At this point, for the rank and file, I don’t think they know what the goal is even where they are headed.  They spend every waking moment making sure they comply with the “current thing” and hating on those that don’t.

          It’s as if we are all on a train headed towards a bridge that has collapsed.  Many of us are screaming to look at the bridge ahead as it’s not there.  The woke are too busy trying to convince everyone that bridges are a social construct and trains are a function of the patriarchy and won’t look ahead at all.


          Some of them believe Wakanda is a real place.


          I agree and disagree with everyone here.

          First, X-Men being outcast propaganda? I highly doubt it. Sure, does the escapeism storytelling utilize opporession as a framing device? Yes. Could it be inspired from real world events? Absolutely. Is the plight of the X-Men actually real?! NO!

          AND THATS WHERE THE DIFFERENCES ARE: One is purely inspirational versus making all the characters gay and killing innocent people over plastic bags is real world woke agenda trying to push go green and homosexual ideology as a “normal thing.”


          When X-Men were outcasts it was normal, relatable to reader, and well written and could easily be seen as creative. Making a character gay out of nowhere is pushing an agenda. Pushing a trans and crippled Spider-Man is pushing an agenda.

          And as for Vknid, I would say it’s a unhealthy combination of Actual stupidity and willful ignorance. With woke people it’s not just one or the other, it’s an unhealthy mix of both.

          Really it’s not being able to distinguish fake politics versus real agenda politics and to conflate the two as the same is where the issue is.

          Having a government being against the x-men is fictional. Sure it may be inspired by actual inequality, but that’s the difference: it’s just inspired, not actually pushing an agenda.

          Changing writers, making characters an alphabet party member to be “relatable” is an agenda. There was no creative input, the literary shoulder standing on greater writers and artists.

          There is a clear difference between fiction and reality and I can clearly see liberals more often arguing it.

          And sure, there are right wingers like christian parents who take fictional violence as some sort of act of real world agenda pushing, but bugs Bunny is just a cartoon made to laugh at. Parents blaming video games on their bad parenting. I get it. It does go both ways, but liberals are the ones destroying the creative spaces, not Republicans.


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.
          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.
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