Woke YouTubers..

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    I feel like Yongyea is fairly woke and and a shill. I use to like his content, but his bias towards certain companies and individuals is very obvious.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by noir24.

      I listen to Angry Joe, Grace and Campea. Sure, I don’t care for their social/political leanings but I can appreciate their content.


      Edit – I meant to reply to the first post of this thread.


      MundaneMatt/Matt Jarbo [People probably know why without me saying], Philip Defranco[ Debatable  but the stuff with Its a Gundams likely confirm it].

      Forget his name before he deleted his stuff but a huge Naughty Dog Stan.  Again just listing these people doesnt mean blacklist, just awareness



      Man Grace Randolph is the worst she’s the dumbest human being I’ve even seen in my life but I understand why she have all those followers/subscribers all of them desperately trying to hit it.

      John Campea is a pure simp..


      I’m not sure I agree with SWTheory being woke. I think he tries to be honest while still trying to be diplomatic. Also, after making that amazing Vader fan film, I have no doubt that he understands Star Wars.


      It should also be noted that he hated TLJ


      I agree Verkano. I watch his videos often and  I can tell he is a real Star Wars fan. I feel that he just speaks with a lot of passion when it comes to Star Wars.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Dariel.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Dariel.

        John Campea makes nerds look cool LMAO What a bitch


          Grace uses a profile picture from 10 years ago because she hasn’t aged all that well. I would still hit that as long as she keeps a paper bag over her woke face lol


            I like her content, and Jeremy’s. Just shi**ing on her like you are makes you look just as ludicrous as an SJW.


              She’s woke and a feminist. Im not saying she doesnt make good content once in awhile. But it’s always about female representation and diversity lol She has some really bad takes because of this. And sometimes a woke person like her and Angry Joe will try to show that they aren’t woke. They will take a good stance on say The Last Jedi. But thats so obviously woke they have to call it. They are still woke make no mistake about it. They try to play it both ways. Sometimes its not about what you say. Its about what you dont say. And when I see people like them praise movies that are woke that makes them woke. They should be calling the woke shit out. But they are for woke trash movies and tv shows. They are part of the far left woke problem…


              I don’t watch any of the people in the list, . Owo

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