Women in gaming; is it really a good idea?

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    Creating good content in games was never in question if you are either a man or a woman. Amy Hennig create Probably the greatest Action game Trilogy of all time in my opinion, And thats the Uncharted series.


    Your examples do not work. They all have problems, but I’ll focus on the sushi example. Anyone, male or female, Asian or non Asian, can make good sushi if they take the time to learn. Gaming is not so simple. Men and women think about game development differently because their brains work differently. Men and women want different things from games. I 100% guarantee you that the only reason we have had some of the legendary franchises of the past is because men were calling the shots. If women want to make games, they should band together and make games for women, much like men make games for men today.


    But how many women like Amy do you see in game development? Not many.


    Years ago I introduced my Niece to Skyrim and her ability to handle the combat was limited compared to typical boy’s her age but I thought her how to get better.

    Her first Dragon fight she got so scared she dropped the controller but within 10 minutes she beat her first Dragon.

    Than after that it was Fallout 4, a lesser experience but more scarry to be sure and she handled it better.

    After that she started choosing her own games to play, I’ve never played Overwatch but she checked it out and played for a time, she did say that the space was a bit weird and people where talking about gender and sexuality of these characters and since has moved on.

    Than she played Detroit: Become Human and became very engaged with the story and characters, when one of them died she was affected by it.

    There’s definitely wokeness in Detroit: Become Human but I enjoyed it too.

    In the end it comes down to certain factor’s in the industry.

    Leadership: Leader’s guide the worker’s on what’s acceptable workplace behaviour.

    Hiring: Hiring based on identity instead on ability.

    Fear (Cowardice): Fear of the rabid oppression by the most vocal oppressors and the cowardice not to face it.

    My Niece was showing interest and watching me and her Dad play Skyrim so I lead her to play her own save.

    She lacked ability at first but I helped her to develop her own abilities and she went on to further develop her own.

    When faced with fear in the games she buckled at first than after her first triumph went to face more with greater success.

    I believe the core issues are the same across geekdom, bad mindsets are being encouraged and developed.

    Any company that hire’s someone because of irrelevant characteristics like colour, race, gender are getting what they deserve when we abandon them but the damage to us is felt for years to come.

    I’ve come to accept that we cannot stop what is happening to the games we loved but we have to focus on saving what isn’t yet lost and learning the lessons for the future.

    A certain level of gatekeeping is needed but too much is bad.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Cerabelus.

    @quickbeam1213 I think your whole message is full of shit. Yes males and females tend to think differently but it often is enhanced by their influence and how they grew up, it’s not like all men think this and all women think that. There are people like Neil Druckmann and Daniel Kibblesmith who have whack ideas even if they are men.

    I 100% guarantee you that the only reason we have had some of the legendary franchises of the past is because men were calling the shots.

    Uncharted, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Animal Crossing, some Legend of Zelda games, Far Cry 2 are some examples of video games with females having a key role in development. If we branch out to anime we can add Fullmetal Alchemist, D.Gray-Man, Blie Exorcist, Magi,  Noragami, Promised Neverland and even Demon Slayer’s illustrator is rumored to be a woman, but there is no confirmation as they stay out of public. I think those are pretty awesome pieces of work created by women.

    And I still believe your suggestions would push society towards a non civilized patriarchy (as much as I hate that term). Who would even be the ones gatekeeping that there’s only a certain amount of female game developers? The government?  What the fuck happened to equal opportunity and freedom of choosing your career path when the government is now regulating how much females can participate in a certain industry, that would be a huge step back for society. Just a terrible idea.




    That’s kind of a ridiculous statement. I don’t want people to continue to ruin American culture, it’s just not necessary. I absolutely care if stupid people keep making woke games and ruining cultural icons. I don’t think it should be illegal, I do think it should be heavily criticized and shamed. Also I think there are sort of two situations going on with games and other media, an anti- competitive nature and an anti-positivity nature. The anti-competitive nature is brought on by normies or other people that don’t like competition, and the anti-positivity nature is just brought on by authoritarians that want to own us.

    Edit: supposed to be a reply to SuperSoynic_Speed

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by mrcool.

    I get why after everything that’s happened since 2014 guys feel like they can’t trust women anymore and/or suspicious of their motives. Quite frankly, on average, women do seem more drawn to wokeism than men – There’s something cloyingly feminine about it which I can’t quite put my finger on (worth noting virtually all of its male proponents are effeminate men).

    But even during GamerGate’s heyday, there were plenty of women speaking out because they thought the accusations were untrue and Anita was being disingenuous. More often than not these examples of “sexism” in the gaming industry were just some idiots online who would say something vulgar or rather thirsty, but gals in the community understood that was a consequence of Gamer culture and being part of what was essentially a “boy’s club.”

    Most guys didn’t really care if you were a girl, just as long as you weren’t some kind of parasite. The harpies, on the other hand, only got into gaming in recent years because it was “cool” and “safe” to pick up a controller and were just shocked that anyone could talk to them in such a manner (they probably had a very sheltered life until then).

    Anyway, I see no reason to barr women from creative industries: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is one of the best novels of English literature. There are women who like designing and playing as sexy women because it’s empowering to be thought of as attractive to men. There are women who have written good male characters and you wouldn’t have known unless you were told, (because they, y’know, don’t hate men) (while the original American Psycho novel was written by a man, are you aware the screenplay was written and directed by a woman)? Women like fiction, perhaps more so than men. It’s inevitable they’ll be drawn to such outlets.

    It’s really a matter of distinguishing the good faith actors from the bad. If you think that’s insufficient, then we should work towards shifting the culture to make wokeism as unappealing to as many women as possible.


    Uncharted, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Animal Crossing, some Legend of Zelda games, Far Cry 2 are some examples of video games with females having a key role in development. If we branch out to anime we can add Fullmetal Alchemist, D.Gray-Man, Blie Exorcist, Magi,  Noragami, Promised Neverland and even Demon Slayer’s illustrator is rumored to be a woman, but there is no confirmation as they stay out of public. I think those are pretty awesome pieces of work created by women.

    And I still believe your suggestions would push society towards a non civilized patriarchy (as much as I hate that term). Who would even be the ones gatekeeping that there’s only a certain amount of female game developers? The government?  What the fuck happened to equal opportunity and freedom of choosing your career path when the government is now regulating how much females can participate in a certain industry, that would be a huge step back for society. Just a terrible idea.


    Nice list. Now compare the size of that list to all of the men who have contributed significantly to anime and gaming. Which list is bigger? I keep saying that these women you are spotlighting are the exceptions, not the norm.


    @quickbeam1213 nice work refuting an argument I never made. Of course more good video games are developed by men, the sheer mathematics already back it. In an industry with more male workers, chances are there are more good video games made by males. If you wanna count every shitty video game then I’m sure you would find the same result. Men make more shitty video games.

    I 100% guarantee you that the only reason we have had some of the legendary franchises of the past is because men were calling the shots.

    The reason I gave you the list was to prove this statement to be false.

    Also, I’m still waiting for you to answer how you would implement this genius idea. Who would gatekeep that there aren’t too many females working in the industry, and how is this aligned with equal opportunity and giving everyone the freedom to choose their career path?


    I don’t think women should be actively limited from gaming spheres but I do think anyone who is trying to come in needs to be grilled hard before they’re allowed any influence. It’s an inherently feminine idea to be “inclusive” rather than prove your worth through merit. I say that because the loudest voices demanding inclusivity have been the Sarkeesians and Frosks of the world who insist they be given special priveleges in their respective spheres because of their sex. If women really want to be developers and designers, learn from male counterparts who have been in the industry awhile. You’ll learn quick what sells and what doesn’t and that includes keeping virtue-signalling and identity politics far away from a project. Some women are just interested in preaching and they’ll use any method at their disposal to infiltrate and take over a game in order to preach “The Message.” Neil Druckman listened to Sarkeesian and made a terrible sequel to a game everyone praises to this day. I don’t think women should be barred from the industry but I do think they need to be grilled mercilessly before entering in order to suss out the bad actors. It’s terribly easy to do since rarely if ever do bad actors stand up to scrutiny or take criticism well before crying “sexism.” Devs need only to look at a prospect’s Twitter account these days to see what ideas they bring and that will inform you of their intentions. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to purge your ranks if you find bad actors. Twitter outrage will pass away in a day and you’ll gain more respect from your majority male customer base. No one wants to be preached to so keep the preachers far away.


    Also, I’m still waiting for you to answer how you would implement this genius idea. Who would gatekeep that there aren’t too many females working in the industry, and how is this aligned with equal opportunity and giving everyone the freedom to choose their career path?


    Women, even more so than men, need to be thoroughly vetted. Ideally they would have some previous work to show that they take gaming seriously and are not just looking to engage in bullshit activism or change the hobby. Developers need to be VERY careful.


    I have a question: What exactly is the experience that “primary audiences” are expecting?


    Like any other entertainment industry, the important thing is hiring qualified people (no matter their gender) with the capacity to create a quality product that will, in fact, entertain their audience, make a profit, and improve the industry.

    Right now, in most entertainment industries, the opposite is happening. Non-qualified people are hijacking the industries to destroy them and remaking them in their favor, for political/ideological reasons. Unfortunately, most of those people are women / non-binary, and that’s why people will ask stuff like this and, reasonably, consider if it isn’t better to gatekeep our hobbies.

    Mainstream comics are completely done already, no hope. There is still hope for gaming and tv, but if we stay quiet, it might happen the same thing that happened to comics…

    A female friend of mine was discussing this topic with me and then she just told me to relax and “don’t be such a cry baby, your entertainment is fine”, then I asked her if suddenly a bunch of Gym Bros hijacked her yoga classes all the time and said: “ok girls, now the classes are going to be more inclusive and instead of this relaxing shit music, we’ll start to listen to some heavy metal and drink beer while we squat”, would you be happy with that? She was silent for 10 secs and then said she got it, we were right.

    Don’t mess with our hobbies, we won’t mess with yours.


      This whole conversation ONLY comes up because of the injected fallacy that men and women are the same and should be equal in everything.  Well guess what, they ARE NOT the same.  So you WILL have things that men lean towards and things women lean to. Having more men or women in something is not at all the same thing as saying the other sex is not allowed in that something.

      Men tend to be better at some things and women at others.  There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT and it’s not a hard rule it’s just the way things are.  So long as no one is forcefully excluded who cares?

      I find it interesting that you don’t see these same women rushing in and trying break the glass ceiling in things like landscaping and construction.  Why not?  Because it’s all done for political and monetary gain.

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