Worst Video Game All-Time

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    Everyone has a favorite video game, but what about the video games that are so dysfunctional that you feel like throwing your controller into the television monitor. Yep, these are the worst video games that you have ever played. These types of video games can be unplayable video games, glitchy video games, video games that have terrible characters, video games that have terrible stories. Video games that when you remember the experiences with it…you never want to relive those moments again. For this forum, answer the following questions:

    1) The complete name of the video game

    2) The reasons the video game is loathsome

    3) A summary of the characters and story (with minor spoilers)

    4) The moment that you realized this video game was the worst video game of all-time


      So this is a hard one because its really not fair to compare a PS4 to a PS1 game. The older games can be really hard to play. Tomb Raider 2 is a good example of this on PS1. The controls are really bad. But for the time it was amazing. Now on PS4 some games are pretty much unplayable for different reasons. Lords of the Fallen is just way too hard. Its not hard in a good way. It’s just broken. I recently played Project Cars 2 and its pretty bad with a duelshock 4. Same problem with Gran Turismo Sport because these games need to be played with a wheel. A honorable mention is Need for Speed Heat. I really hate the driving in this game. I loved the original Need for Speed Most Wanted on PS2. And I love the Burnout games. But Need for Speed Heat is nothing like these great games. The driving is not arcade enough for me. Its kind of a hybrid and it sucks.


      Hello again, DisneySucksBalls. I appreciate the selection of video games that you consider the worst. I agree with you that compare current generation video games to previous generation console video games is difficult. Nevertheless, there are also previous generation video games that can still hold up to this day. I cannot think of examples at the moment but you are right that controls, gameplay, and the time that the video game was release need to be taken into consideration. I appreciate your reasons for why PS1 Tomb Raider 2, Lords of the Fallen, Project Cars 2, Gran Turismo Sport, and Need for Speed Heat. I am thinking about creating forums for the different generations of video game consoles. For example, favorite games on PS2. I appreciate discussing video games with you. Hope you hear from you in other forums.


      imagesThis  game makes you for nothing


      Hello DarthChristian666, thank you for your reply. Yeah, Superman 64 is one of the worst games on all time. Lol


      No Mans Sky–one of the few games that I’ve actually returned to Amazon for a refund. First 2 hours were magical, then you realize that there’s really nothing else beyond that. Terrible in its release state. I’ve seen ppl excuse it with the old “it’s gotten better and been fixed through updates, patches, etc.,” but that’s no excuse to charge full price at release (something many publishers are now guilty of–looking at you Anthem…). First impressions mean something and you got to have some standards. Wow, guess I had that pent up for a while lol. End rant.


        I played it in VR when came to PSVR. The game is one of the worst looking VR games. And it’s just a bunch of crafting bullshit for everything. Now its one of the only open world VR games so thats cool. But these fucking planets have nothing on them but bullshit. Its really fucking boring and a waste of my time.


        Hello TheLastFanfiction, thank you for your reply. I agree that No Man’s Sky is a really bad game at launch. I heard that the game has gotten better since it released three years ago. However, there is no excuse for the game’s launch and its price tag. I hope that you find better video games in the future that you enjoy to make up for No Man’s Sky.


        ET🤮 , the game that attributed to causing the crash in the gaming industry.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Blaze2000.
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Blaze2000.

          1. It’s not the worst but the most disappointing of all time, to me, is Fallout 4

          2. It dumbs down the RPG mechanics, severely limits player choice, it has  tedious and boring building mechanics because Minecraft is popular, I hated the voiced protagonist.

          3. Story is so lackluster it’s not memorable. You are on a quest to save your son, is all I know

          4. Don’t remember the exact moment. It was so many wrong things piling up on each other that made me say, “fuck this”.


          1) Prototype

          2) The controls are terrible and the game is so immersion breaking. In some parts of the city you have people running for their lives and in others people are just walking around.

          3) Alex gets super powers from a virus, the average person becomes a mindless zombie so Alex gets lucky, Alex and his sister try to get to the bottom of this virus, so that maybe they can help save the city.

          4) I was enjoying this game until I realised how monotonous it is. In one mission you had to fight multiple tanks and helicopters, because the mission is so poorly designed you have to keep hopping in and out of that area so that you can heal, and then there’s the bad controls, I was done after that.


          Boombots, Doug Tennapel’s 2nd to last game. Really bad jokes, really bad gameplay (some of the worst controls I’ve experienced in a fighting game), and it has the most forgettable soundtrack and characters in a fighting game (even more forgettable than the roster in Star Gladiator’s sequ- oh, you don’t know what Star Gladiator is? Uh never mind). Back in the 90s, Doug had the balls to say gaming was terrible back then. I’m not going to lie: I love the Neverhood, but Doug’s video game track record isn’t what I call stellar. Neverhood had it’s issues (short, little or no interaction, and bad puzzles in the end), Skullmonkeys was a mediocre platform that was more aggravating than fun, Boombots was shite, and his last game Armikrogg is one of many shining examples on why should you think twice before you fund anything on Kickstarter (Amrikogg was a bland, crappy adventure game that was broken on release despite Doug earning 2 million).


          Hello Blaze2000, thank you for your reply. Yes, ET is a great candidate to the worst video game of all-time.


          Hello again Kenny_Cartman, thank you for your reply. I am surprise that a Fallout game (outside of Fallout 76) is on the list of worst video games of all-time but everyone has a video game that he or she considers the worst. I also appreciate your honest opinions and insights into the reasons of why you did not like the story and found the game forgettable. Another thing to note, you may have given me a forum topic idea for disappointing games of all time.


          Hello Sauron, thank you for your reply. Prototype sounds like a terrible game and a worthy candidate for worst video game of all time. The perfect combination of a terrible video game is unplayable gameplay and a story line that is illogical at best. I also appreciate your honest opinions and insights.

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