Would going back in time to 1990 and dating Jennifer Connelly change the future?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Would going back in time to 1990 and dating Jennifer Connelly change the future?

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    I have no idea where to put this topic, but this sort of ties into Pop Culture as Jennifer Connelly is a well known actress in Hollywood who is in alot of movies we have all watched over the decades like Labyrinth, the Ang Lee Incredible Hulk, the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still remake, and  alot of other movies that I can’t name off the top of my head as there are just so many movies she was in.

    This is kind of a silly, funny, and nonsense question, but I just had to ask people cause I was thinking about this when I was watching a bunch of movies on streaming the other day that all coincidentally featured Jennifer Connelly in them all.

    I kept thinking what would happen if I in 2024 had accidentally stumbled upon a working time machine from a neighborhood garage sale of all places then I accidentally traveled back in time to 1990 and I was also was to some place at the time where Jennifer Connelly had happened to be filming a movie project there. Then I bumped into a 20 year old Jennifer Connelly (So the version of her from the movie; Career Opportunities in 1991) when she was at the most beautiful time in her life, and we began talking which lead to me dating her.

    The date goes well, then she for some reason begins to like me even though I am a totally socially awkward Nerd..she somehow falls for me despite my short comings. I like her back which leads to her wanting to spend the rest of her life with me. She then she tells me….I got her pregnant, then I and surprised, and shocked at the same time I begin blurting out to her that I am from the future…..and I likely destroyed the space time continuum now because Jennifer Connelly was never supposed to get pregnant in 1990 with some random guy from the future’s baby.

    Then I managed to convince her I really am from the future by showing her my iphone, and I telling her personal things about herself she would tell in interviews in years to come on various talk shows that she wouldn’t share with anyone in the world until those interviews in the future happen when she does them. Then convinced I’m from the future, I hit the co-ordinates back to 2024 on my time machine but, before I teleport back Jennifer Connelly grabs onto me like that lady in Star Trek: The Voyagae Home grabbed Captain Kirk when he was going back to the future, and Jennifer Connelly at age 20 follows me back into the present year of 2024.

    And Jennifer Connelly gets super clingy, saying she’ll never leave me even if I go back to 2024 cause she was that into me despite me being a complete Nerd and a Millenial. I wonder how the current present timeline would change if Jennifer Connelly from 1990 when she was 20 years old ended up being absent from after 1990 all the way to 2024 when she reappeared at the same age she left at in the past but now here in 2024?

    Jennifer Connelly is a very, very famous public figure in our recent time, but she isn’t a major historical figure like Joan of Arc who shaped important events in our history. So if I went back in time then somehow caused a 20 year old Jennifer Connelly to fall in love with me, then she followed me back into the present time of 2024……how would our current present be different?

    Would it be a 1% difference in the timeline in that all the movies that Jennifer Connelly would’ve done after 1990 to 2024 won’t have her in it, and some other actress would’ve gotten all her roles in those movies, and movies written specifically for her wouldn’t even exist or be green lit because she is absent from those times they would’ve needed her to be there to star in them. Meanwhile everything else in history would be just about the same with even the current events of today’s world.

    Or would it be a massive super 99% difference in the timeline where because I went back in time then made a 20 year old Jennifer Connelly fall in love with me then she followed me back to 2024……we would be dealing with a massive alien invasion of the Earth in 2024 because the aliens are all pissed off that Jennifer Connelly just stopped making movies after 1990, and they wanted to invade Earth to let off some stream to deal with the fact that Jennifer Connelly wasn’t there to make the aliens happy as they were big massive fans of her movies, and her on screen kept them peaceful.

    What do you guys here in the G + G community think would happen if I somehow traveled back in time then somehow made a 20 year old Jennifer Connelly fall in love with me then she followed me back to the future?

    This is not meant to be serious just meant to be funny, and a topic to start conversations here on this forum with everyone cause I want to know what they’re gonna say. My God I sound so friggin arrogant, and full of myself writing this lol :)

    Chime in everyone!!!!



    If anyone has seen the movie The Hot Spot from 1990 you would know the answer to this question is an easy YES!

    All this VR stuff now days, but it is all crap imo. The tech is just garbage still imo. When they invent a Holodeck I’ll be in like sin. lol



    The Movie you just mentioned, I had just seen yesterday on Tubi, my God Jennifer Connelly was gorgeous in that movie.


      I have loved Connelly since Labyrinth. That’s not creepy, she is slightly older than me just FYI.

      She was the most gorgeous woman in Hollywood for decades. “Career Opportunities”, is not only a fun movie that’s super 90’s but she was temperature of the sun smokin in that movie.

      She has acted for a long time, I found an old B horror movie she was in when she was young “Phenomena”.

      A movie that was criticized for being garbage at the time, but it’s pretty decent actually, she was also really good in “The Rocketeer”.

      Unfortunately for me around the time of “The Hulk” she decided to be a beanpole and got super thin.  And she did that about the time my ex-wife did.  And for some reason now, I cannot see Connelly’s thin face without seeing my ex-wife’s and that makes me gag.

      No, my ex-wife does not look like Jennifer Connelly.  It’s just a similar face structure and hair.


      @Vknid Jennifer Connelly to me is a Golden Age, gray film actress from the 1930s, but she was born in the modern age, and she isn’t in an old folks home unable to chew her food unlike other Golden Age Hollywood actresses. I swear I have been crushing on Jennifer Connelly like crazy lately since watching a Youtube Video I watched where some guy put clips from Career Opportunities of her with the Def Leppard song playing in the background.

      I swear watching this music video made by some random guy of young 1991 Jenniffer Connelly from Career Opportunities to the soundtrack of Def Leppard made me fall in love with her. My God, I now know why people all over the internet kept saying that Megan Fox when she was younger starting out in Hollywood was the new Jennifer Connelly.

      Jennifer Connelly in Career Opportunities looks almost like Megan Fox, she even wore the same outfit Megan Fox wore from the ending of the first Transformers when she was on the hood of Bumblebee kissing Sam. I swear Jennifer Connelly, and Megan Fox look so much alike….I keep thinking that Megan Fox is actually Jennifer Connelly’s biological daughter?

      With how crazy we are finding out about Hollywood these days, I wonder is Megan Fox the result of Jennifer Connelly giving away some of her genetic reproductive materiel to Hollywood when she was just starting out in Hollywood, and in return they promoted her like crazy in the media long ago to help her fulfill her dream of being a big Hollywood Mega Star. The genetic donation part was in some kind of very small print thing in Jennifer’s contract with them.

      And in 1986, someone commissioned to take some of the DNA that Jennifer Connelly donated to create Megan Fox along with DNA  from elsewhere, and Jennifer Connelly to this day has no idea that she has a secret daughter called Megan Fox who was born in a Hollywood lab somewhere to take her place one day in case Jennifer stopped acting in movies the decided to become yoga teacher instead?

      And the other DNA used to make up the rest of Megan Fox was from Angelina Jolie, who comes from a Hollywood family as Jon Voight is her dad. So Megan Fox is like the superboy clone to Superman, but for Jennifer Connelly, and a small bit of Angelina Jolie instead. So Megan Fox is 80% of Jennifer Connelly’s DNA, and 20% of Angelina Jolie’s DNA.

      So Hollywood is not only creating movies, they might have technology to create actors, and actresses from the ground up to act in their movies, and help promote their influence further as their actors, and actresses they promote like all mortal Humans have a limited life span.

      Just a crazy thought I had about Jennifer Connelly, and Megan Fox. If it weren’t for Megan Fox, I probably won’t be crushing on Jennifer Connelly as they look somewhat similar especially when they were younger just starting out in Hollywood.





      I would say Jennifer Connelly as the girl next door.  Natural beauty.  The one you would take to the prom and marry and have a family with.  And can act too!

      Megan Fox I would consider as the college “friends with benefits” and nothing more.


      @ Legatus_Legionis : Megan Fox looks like a train wreck now though. Too much plastic surgery, and raises ALL THREE of her kids as Trans. Kate Beckinsale didn’t need the surgery either, but she clearly got it. Women I used to think were damn hot ruin themselves with surgery they NEVER needed.


      So did you guys all know that apparently Gen Z is obsessed with Jennifer Connelly according to this Youtube video:

      I don’t know how accurate this video on Youtube is with it’s information or is this manipulate information and statistics as I had only found their channel recently, but I did start getting interested in Jennifer Connelly from seeing her in a Youtube showing her decades ago that had alot of views from people all around the world as many younger people such as myself as a millennial am rediscovering Jennifer Connelly’s beauty from the 1990s.

      I then came across this video that was posted a year ago where New York post is causing a debating between who is hotter Jennifer Connelly or Zendaya:

      I find interesting how as more people especially Gen Z are starting to reject all this respect whaman crap we see everywhere in pop culture, and in real life, and we start seeing Jennifer Connelly from her younger days when she was at her prime getting alot of attention? I keep getting the feeling that Jennifer Connelly is gonna go from being a famous beautiful actress from long ago, and slowly become a symbol of what we men are desiring in the horizon for the future of wanting beauty to return in a big way to pop culture, and the real world.

      I can tell you guys here on this thread honesty, that sometimes I think I am not married is because there aren’t enough young women out there now in this crappy current year world that are like Jennifer Connelly in her 20s during the early to maybe mid 1990s. Hell I bet if there were more young women like 1990s Jennifer Connelly now we might not even have a population crisis in the West of young people of reproductive age such as myself not having enough children to replace the aging population here in the West.

      1990s Jennifer Connelly is so beautiful, that in my own opinion it would be insane for most men, me included to not want to start a family with her because she is just so beautiful, and the definition of what we men desire in our wives. There is just something about Jennifer Connelly in the 1990s that when you look at her you as a man just want to protect, and provide for her…….those green mesmerizing eyes of hers, and her flawlessly perfectly shaped face with those perfect facial features is what greets us in our dreams every night when we go to sleep. Along with her beauty in the 1990s being so great that you just want to sit around, and think about her all day long not wanting to do anything else like eat, or even sleep…I know this from my own personal experience that past couple of weeks ago where I had to do school work, but I skipped out of it just to think about Jennifer Connelly from the 1990s for many, many hours.

      This woman is so beautiful in the 1990s that everytime I pass by these houses that are going on sale in my neighborhood, that I keep holding out this crazy naive hope that some extremely beautiful young woman that bears an extremely striking resemblance to a young Jennifer Connelly from the early to mid 1990s would move into one of the houses with her aging parents, and she is a this single, shy, very kind young woman who had been waiting for the right guy to show up in her life, and I can be that right guy.

      I know I sound abit naive, maybe even foolish along with arrogant of me saying it like I did, but God after I saw Jennifer Connelly as a young woman, I just want that fantasy to become real with how terrible our current world is and me getting older, and older longing for a wife more, and more each year.

      Do any you guys feel this way, when seeing Jennifer Connely as a young woman?


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