Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › PC Gaming Hub › WoW forums deleted a Biden thread but left up a toxic Trump thread
No real surprise coming from Blizzard… Somebody had started a “What if Trump played WoW thread” that is still up right now… I started one about Biden… Guess who got a temporary ban and guess which thread was taken down.
The hypocrisy is real…
If somebody has a WoW account please ask in the Trump thread why the Biden one was erased… Its a crazy world we live in.
Yes, I have noticed this as well. There is a massive censoring campaign going on. Also, I read a lot of news articles. The past week I have seen more “tabloid” articles than you can imagine. Someone in the MSM has decided to put out a lot of disinformation. I think we are getting it on both sides. I am seeing articles that are completely and factually wrong.
Fox News for example has gone really leftist and it is doing nothing but pumping out tabloid articles about crime. I think they are trying to convince the American people things are so bad that Trump needs to go.
It is like we all live in the Jerry Springer show now.
If you’re still supporting Activision Blizzard after all they’ve done over the last year, you should have already realized you need to stop.
It’s not hard to figure it out, China wants America fighting itself. China wants to get those that support Communism in power. So, these companies with extensive Chinese interest support anything that pushes those agendas.
I saw the writing on the wall years ago, that blizzard was going full Woke-o Heram.
With their quests pushing a secret narrative, all the orginal creators being push out because they did tow their Activision corporate line.
Well, if American had a neutral, unbiased, mainstream media, they would be reporting the truth. Fact is, the dinosaur media and the marxist agenda will never tell the truth. That is a FACT.
And here it is the nazi-democratic controlled cities that have seen crime jump because they are not allowing the police to protect and serve the public, and then complaint when the fed send in agents to protect federal property. And the nerve of those same nazi-democrats demanding federal dollars to fix the destruction THEY allowed to happen. Sure am glad the feds said NO.
We need MORE police right now, not less.
We need JUSTICE from the courts, and not this letting anarchists/looters/rioters go free.
But I guess they don’t want people making fun of Bi-dimwit.
China wants, China wants, China wants!
Yet it is always Russia the media claims is doing it to America and the West.
Sure am glad someone realizes the TRUTH, will all the misinformation out there.
‘Nuff said. Haven’t played anything Blizzard since the Hong Kong player fiasco. Don’t plan on playing anything Blizzard again, except for maybe the single player stuff that I’ve already paid for. Big maybe.
I haven’t paid for anything created by Blizzard in the last three years. I use my in game gold from WoW to pay for WoW tokens then convert that over to cash pay for either subs or even games. I know some one else is technically paying 20 bucks, but I’m not supporting through my own money anymore. Either WoW gold or bust.
This is why IMO public opinion doesn’t matter. The top 1% will always control the public opinion of the majority. The way the world is run today is no different for all intents and purposes to how it was before the lie of “democracy” started getting spread to control the masses while making them think that they’re the ones in control.
Some people always need to bring politics into a forum that doesn’t need it. The main reason is probably to cause problems.
I guess that you missed the part where they kept a negative post about Trump, but removed posts critical of Quid Pro Joe?
I didn’t miss any of that, but some people always feel the need to bring politics into a forum. It doesn’t matter if it is about Trump or Biden because they do it to start an issue that doesn’t need to be there. I would never see any reason to bring politics into a WOW forum.