WWE is not a sport..

Geeks + Gamers Forums Sports WWE / Professional Wrestling WWE is not a sport..


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  • #161432

      Why is WWE under Sports? Its entertainment not a sport. Yet you dont have UFC or NHL lol


      It’s sports entertainment, and featured on major sports networks. While there is no actual competition and results are predetermined, there is athleticism involved and a great deal of crossover with superstars of actual sports.

      Also, a great deal of Japanese wrestling is produced and showcased with a strong dedication to portraying their performance art as an actual sport and the audience treats it as such. It’s a totally different animal than the fluff we usually get stateside where the product has been severely damaged with the WWE’s embrace of social media pulling back the curtain on an industry built on secrecy and dedication to gimmicks.


        No. But UFC (MMA) IS.

        Do you think maybe when we asked for an MMA forum, someone thought WWE would cover it? Some people do think they’re all the same thing, haha.

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