X-Men vs Avengers

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    Do you prefer the X-Men or The Avengers? For me personally, I think I prefer the X-Men over the Avengers mainly because I got introduced to Marvel through the X-Men Evolution TV Show and the X-Men films.


    X-Men, because Wolverine rocks.

    The best thing of the Avengers is Thanos   xD


    Growing up in the 80s and 90s, the X-Men were the best to me.

    I couldn’t help but to just soak it all in.

    I did think that the avengers were cool but not to the extent of the X-Men.



    X-men was my preference. I liked how they were outcasts and pariahs. That they were oppressed by mankind for being superior amused me. It was propaganda. I liked the School for Gifted Youngsters. The story lines were really far out and Claremont was just such an intelligent writer. The Avengers movies were incredibly well done and they way they made Tony Stark and Steve Rogers actually made the Avengers better in the modern era. The woke stuff destroys all though. The comics  were ruined and now, they are making Captain America gay in comics. I just stay away from everything now and wait for quality to emerge. In the movies, the first IronMan and the first two Captain America movies were some of the best actual movies, in any genre, ever made. Captain America: Winter Soldier was predictive programming in that it foreshadowed what your government has become. Like Hydra, everyone is a contact tracer for the government. Brilliant film.


    Can’t believe how talented this girl is. CosPlay champion compared to what I’ve seen at the conventions. Just super impressed by her ability.



    X-Men are my second favorite heroes after Spidey. Especially Nightcrawler and Gambit are awesome, I really hope to have at least one of them in the MCU


    I kinda like the Avengers more because they unlike the X-Men are individual separate heroes that are so different from each other that don’t fit together that when brought together make up a good team. Also Anna doesn’t look half bad with white hair, I’m not usually attracted to her but she with white hair kinda makes me notice her more 😀

    Now maybe we can get Jedi Bunny to dress up like X-23 then that would be interesting 🤨😀

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Blood.Ranger.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Blood.Ranger. Reason: Spelling and grammer errors

    She recently did Alita Battle Angel and she is putting out a cosplay calendar. I respect that. Trying new projects. She has the look and the skills. X-23 is a great suggestion. I like that Alita’s heart was a matter/anti-matter reactor and could power an entire city. Robert Rodriguez made that film. It was a good one. He is way talented. We need more like him.

    Never thought the Avengers would be so good in film. They did such a good job on those movies, that they set the bar very high. They now have to reach that standard with lesser known characters, which is a big challenge. I’m still reeling from what a good job they did on Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. They would always clash with each other. Tony learned self-sacrifice and saved the world with the missile into space. It was just great writing.



    OH Oh oh!

    Can we See Anna That Star Wars Girls, doing her Princess Leia cos-play, in all her iconic costumes/hair styles!



    I meant Kelly aka Jedi Bunny as X-23


    I’d take the Avengers any day, although it needs to be an A-Roster whereas I’ve always sort of been able to like an X-Men book with a revolving roster without affecting my desire to read it. I think that is probably because the Avengers are sort of inextricable as archetypes of the MCU’s most powerful or greatest heroes and so that team suffers considerably when it’s littered with a C-lister roster.


    X-Mn during the Claremont days. Wolverine was a badass and way hot chicks–Psylocke, Rogue, Dazzler, Jean Grey–banging.

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