Xbox or playstation….

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  • #306817

    Ok say i wanted to get back into console gaming…

    Which route do i go, xbox or playstation? I like rpg style games and military and simulators.


    So games like Halo, Fallout, War thunder and world of tanks are my thing. I also like the superhero and action genre as well…like uncharted and spiderman.


    Im also leaning toward Playstation because of spidermans exclusiveness, but xboxs power is intriguing.


    So if you’re into RPGs Nintendo switch would be the way go to. Graphics not withstanding, the games are less censored on that console versus PlayStation.

    PlayStation has their own rules for extra censorship, so even if it’s only very little details, PlayStation is overtly censoring games. Japan’s consumer base even dropped most of playstation. While Spider-man is fun, it also will drop exclusivity over time like the first game did onto steam.


    Xbox has gamepass, Xbox gold deals, and also a lot of fun games. While yes, you’ll miss out on Spider-Man 2 for the PS5 initially, you’ll save money in the long run of paying for a PS5.

    I’ll also tell you that whether you buy a Xbox series x or Series S, you’re getting a good console for the value. Series X’s have higher specs and series S runs good for the price you’re getting. There’s also a lot backwards compatible games for Xbox too and available on the marketplace. Gamepass also provides free downloadable content for being on the gamepass.

    But these are what important to me, what’s important to you? Are you a die hard Spider-man fan? Is waiting worth it for you for steam? Do you care about the extra censorship PlayStation employs to third party games? Do you care about what graphics you run? All of these are valid concerns.


    Me personally, Id stick to Nintendo switch and Xbox primarily because while Xbox is Woke, they still don’t censor third party games like PlayStation does.


    I don’t know, tell me more about what drives your decision with the information I provided?


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Side note: if you go back to Xbox and get game pass youll get All of Halo, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Starfield, Elder scrolls Online, Elder Scrolls 3,4,5 aaaand a lot of games on gamepass.  So you pay like 17.99 a month and get to play all those games AND MUCH MORE.</p>
    So to be honest, Xbox is your best option.


    Censorship does bother me, so what you said counts as a strike against playstation im my book.

    And im not really a nintendo fan, so i dont think nintendo has a horse in this race for me.

    My cousin keeps his previous xbox here and allows me access to it, been playing the hell out of fallout 4 and 76, and having a blast with sea of thieves and aliens fire team.

    So…xbox is becoming more appealing to me.

    And if spiderman will be available after a wait….i can swing that.

    Im in no hurry.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Awesome, yeah PlayStation has been doing the whole censorship thing and just to clarify, I have the video evidence here I’ll be dropping in. Some people disagree with me on here that playstation censorship isn’t a thing apart from everyone else, but I can assure you that Playstation 100% censors all third party games further than the ESRB, especially with rated M games.</p>
    Nintendo is great, but yeah if they don’t appeal to you, I get it. Not for everyone.

    But yeah PlayStation drops their exclusives now onto steam, so from what I gathered, it ain’t worth it to get a PlayStation if the games just drop on steam after a bit.

    That leaves the Xbox for you and honestly it still has games like Rumble Roses XX, so they ain’t censoring squat for third party games, but they also push their own agendas in the games too so it’s a give and take, but still better by a long shot.

    And again, Games for gold deals get you full games for as cheap as $5. In fact I paid for 2 licenses for the FULL injustice 2 and Full MK11 game w/ all DLC included for $10.

    While I don’t own the games, that’s still a very sweet deal. And by ownership, I mean that I paid for the games digitally. That’s kind of a given when you go digital in all consoles and services now.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.
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