Your Collection on pictures

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Toys/Hobbies Your Collection on pictures

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  • #215640

    My USS Flagg, with custom lower hanger deck.



    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Some Star Wars stuff</p>


    I’ve now put a video about the Dark Angels army using Rogue Trader vintage models up on YouTube:


    Finished this a few minuets ago. Started her on Friday but having gone to the gym in the morning fucked up my brush controll. Had to quit after just the basecoat was down.

    Priestess of Sargonnas 01


    mulligan 01


    New Beast Wars figure; Predacon Megatron:



    “Next one to call me “Barney,” gets a one way trip to the All-Spark. Yesss…


    Arter posting the image of the gambler above I decided to change the cards to black with silver pips.

    It reads better now as the dead mans hand.


    Did a weapon swap on this one. Came with a staff but since Kender are not spell casters I gave her a sword.

    Kender handler 09


    vampire 09


    Did a weapon swap on this one. Came with a staff but since Kender are not spell casters I gave her a sword.

    Tasslehoff Burrfoot used a hoopak (a staff with a sling on the end).



    It had a magical staff; giant crystal on the end. I had at first planned to make it a spear, but the sword just looked better.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by MrDragonbane.

    Jimmy mask


    First photo taken from my new tripod. the 09 camera still doesnt do great at micro closeups but its not bad.
    Reaper minis said this was a cleric; must have been the god of thieves.

    thief 08


    Zero Shits Given To The Mob


    good likelness of gina

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 254 total)
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