Your Favorite Star Trek Movie?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Your Favorite Star Trek Movie?

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    Star Trek :  The Motion Picture

    Star Trek : 2 The Wrath of Khan

    Star Trek : 3 The Search for Spock

    Star Trek : 6 The Undiscovered Country

    Star Trek :4 The Voyage Home

    Star Trek: 5 The Final Frontier

    Star Trek: First Contact



    Wraith of Khan…nuff said


    It’s too hard to say which movies in which order for me. it’s more like this:

    1) Original Cast movies, because damnit Jim, I love them all!!!

    2) TNG Movies

    3) Abbrams movies (I frankly can’t stand Into Darkness though, so much so that I wont even buy it)



    Anything that JJ didn’t get his D beaters on…enough with the remakes…I want to see new stories from the TNG universe, not the crap with the klingorcs and everything is oppressive and bad dumpster fire universe.


    My ranking

    1. Star Trek II Wrath of Khan. No question about it.
    2. Star Trek IV The Voyage Home
    3. Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country
    4. Star Trek V The Final Frontie (crucify me if you will, but it has a lot of great character moments)
    5. Star Trek I The Motion Picture
    6. Star Trek Generations
    7. Star Trek 2009
    8. Star Trek First Contact
    9. Star Trek III – The Search for Spock
    10. Star Trek Beyond
    11. Star Trek Nemesis
    12. Star Trek Into Darkness
    13. Star Trek Insurrection

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