Your Top 5 , or Top 10 if 5 ain’t enough

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Your Top 5 , or Top 10 if 5 ain’t enough

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    Here put your favorites movies all time, the one you can watch and never would be tired of, mines are captain marvel, bird of prey, and dark fate ………………



    so in real it is :

    1- The Terminator : My first Terminator movie, it has some Fx and realisation flaw, but except that the film is fantastic, the night improves the anxious atmospher, it was very suprising in that time for I, a young kid usually watching only cartoon or anime, having something so dark and deep for my fresh eyes, and had a crush on Linda ! Even after all those time I want to buy the Nike air force one from the movie, it’s darker than T-2 which even if great is too “familly safe” for my taste in comparison of the first

    2- Tron Legacy, a very underratted movie, here too there is some fx flaw, such the lips and face synchro, it looks really fake, but the general ambiance of the light and CGI is very clean and nice ! The OsT made by Daft Punk is a gem

    3- The Compagny Of Wolves : a strange movie, part of dream, mixed with tale, poetic and chimeric, the transformation is unforgettable ! ( I am very bad to describ how good is that movie, isn’t it)

    4- It, part one, a masterpiece, still wonder how from this great movie we had a such aweful and boring part two

    5-Stargate : Everything is great in that movie !


    7- T-2

    often I put Punishment Park in my fav movie, but technically it’s more like a docu-fiction than a real movie

    I could add more movies, I have to think about which pick first, there are a lot of fantastic movies in my early years : Predator, Predator 2, Aliens

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by VenomBroly1993.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by WeareChaoS.
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