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“Boy, that escalated quickly… I mean, that really got out of hand fast!”
YouTube censors Russell Brand, re-affirming the switch to Rumble
Recall that when they censored Alex Jones, calling it a bad thing and people called you crazy. Now we are here where a leftist with common sense gets his videos censored.
The goal wasn’t to censor Jones so much as get the ball rolling on censorship in general. For it to be accepted.
Now thankfully we have a semi-free market which produces things like Rumble. As as good as their intentions are, how long before they too are corrupted?
I think freedom requires a constant refreshing and a mindset where the people are constantly vigilant for attacks on it because they will never cease.
There was a time I really hated this guy. He was one of my least favorite people. Can’t believe how much he’s changed. I actually listen to his videos on a routine basis. Can’t say that I’m a fan, but he bends my ear and gets my attention now.
Russell would be a great guest on FNT or Nerdrotic or DDayCobra or Salty Cracker. I do wonder if he avoids Alex Jones on purpose. Wonder if he would ever go on Tucker’s show?
Brand really needs to put his videos on Bitchute. Bitchute is usually my go to site. There is much less filler and people talk about underground issues. You do have to wonder though if all this is just more subtle propaganda. Like, it’s still just his career. I remember laughing at him when he opposed Brexit and Nigel Farage. The stuff coming out of his mouth was off base. I see Russell Brand as kind of the new Bill Maher or kind of a Joe Rogan type.
Yes I saw that about Alex Jones last week. Can’t say I’m shocked by it since they’ve been trying to have a go at him for the last few years. I might not have agreed on everything Alex said but at least he wasn’t afraid to voice his opinion about certain topics and celebs (such as Megan Markel and Katie Price. I admit I enjoyed it on more than one occasion when he was having a right go at them! Those two “ladies” aren’t as popular as they think they are. The way Katie treats that severally disabled boy of hers…I’m surprised social services have never been to her house!).
Not a fan of Russel Brand either but as you said, I’m surprised at how much he’s changed too.
I like Russel. He is a critical thinker. Does that I mean I agree with everything he says? No. But isn’t that a normal position for anyone? Do you know anyone outside of Christ you agree with 100%?
I don’t agree with anyone 100% not even myself. So thinking you need to agree with someone 100% to “support” them is ridiculous.
Let’s also speak to the fact we need to allow folks to evolve. People change, we all do. MANY (maybe even most people) start out liberal and become more conservative as they age because they learn about the real world. We have to give folks the elbow room for this.
“‘If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain”
Iv’e followed him for awhile now. Not a huge fan, but I love how he promotes the simple fact they we ALL have common ground and need to focus on that instead of all the division propagating our media. I respect him because he is a free thinker, even when I don’t agree with him. He asks uncomfortable questions sometimes, and those need to be asked. I watched his video on the content removal, and he his right about the hypocrisy.
Jimmy Dore is another guy I used to loathe, like Brand, who I watch now. Both these guys just seemed to naturally talk about subjects in a way the interested me.
Russell Brand CENSORED By YouTube!
Oct 2, 2022 Russell Brand has built a substantial following on YouTube by taking iconoclastic stances on controversial issues, but now YouTube has demonetized a couple of Brand’s videos after the comic actor and commentator admitted to sharing a mistaken interpretation of information taken from the CDC website. But as he points out, plenty of mainstream media commentators share misinformation without their videos being demonetized or taken down by YouTube. So why the double standard?
Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Brand’s rise as an online commentator.
Dore is a pretty hard leftist but he is a man of common sense as well. I do respect his takes and I do agree with some of the things he postulates. I think common sense folks (on any side) tend to agree what the problems are they just might disagree on the solutions. And that is OK. We arrive at the best solution not by ceding to one side but by hearing everyone out. That is compromise.
Shocked and stunned. Never thought this would ever happen. It is totally unexpected. I’m not even into religion that much, but always considered RB to be kind of an interfaith person in that he would talk to top spiritual figures from any background. Scratching my head like a man-child right now because I used to really loathe this person, but he really did change, even after all the despicable rumors and gossip about him. Can’t really even believe this is happening.
In the article below, there is one part he says he was reading Rick Warren. I’ve been reading a guy named Tony Evans lately. Black guy. Chaplain for the Dallas Mavericks. Good writer.
I’m a former liberal myself. It’s easy to get caught up in our base us vs. them mentality and lose sight that we’re all people just trying to live life and we’re all the same, just have different ideas of what’s taboo. We all fight for our team, and we all think everything everyone does on the outside as an affront.
At the end of the day we all fight our own demons, and no side is perfect. There can be a lot of hubris and anger in judgement, there can also be a lot of gluttony and decay in the left’s woke nonsense.
Makes you wonder if the truest Christians are the ones who have lived other kinds of lives, weren’t born into these norms and through making mistakes in their lives came to understand the importance of discipline and sacrifice the hard way.
Sure there are grifters, we’re all grifters, the the question is just how much each of us buys into our grifts and tribalism and turns away from the harsh truths of our own doings for our own gains.
Never hated Brand, but then again I was born in the libshit West Coast, and grew up watching politically incorrect with Bill Maher.
People change, culture changes. Everyone’s a critic, it’s easy to point at the people in charge and say they coulda done this or that differently, I think that’s where that expression comes from, “You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villian.” Haters gonna hate.
Grifters and Liars on both sides, I have a lot of respect for the Jimmy Dores and the Russel Brands of the world, because they’re willing to admit when they’re wrong, grow and fight for positive change for the whole of humanity, not embolden just their tribe like most us monkeys resort to. These guys aren’t perfect, no one is, but they have an uncompromising sense of good despite a life of success and great wealth, and when you get down to it, that’s what religion is all about at its best.
People change, culture changes.
Cultures yes, people on an individual basis yes. People as a group, no.
I try not to play sides. I try not to have a team. So I listen to all sorts of things. I watch Dore, Brand, Rubin and many other former liberals. I like some of the older intellectuals like Peterson and Sowell. I do also check in Pacman and TYT from time to time. Which is how I know they are terrible grifting liars that consistently misrepresent the truth for their own ends.
I think the secret is to assume nothing. Listen to everyone but you don’t assume one way or the other until you research yourself. This has the added benefit that when you choose to speak about something, you are not acting as a parrot but speaking from your own thoughts.
Dore was on “We Are Change” (another great channel) and his interview was great. I agree with Dore on many things. But not on Israel and not on Medicare for all. Those are misguided. But that’s fine. I can still learn tons from him and I do.
He posted a video about his baptism today. Really glad for him, it’s awesome to see frankly. I enjoy him more and more as time goes on.
That is amazing! That thrills me to hear. But it does not shock me at this point. I have been watching his podcast for a few years now. I could tell he had a good heart and he talked often about faith and or belief in God. I think it’s the organized aspect that concerned him as well it should. The secret is, you can love God, please God and allow him to love you back without a organization. This is the conclusion I have come to. If God wanted robots, he would have made them.
If you look around in the podcast space (the honest ones), people that talk deep into topics you will notice they are moving to the conservative side and often talking about good and evil and often God. Why? Because if you actually put thought into it, most people will come to the logical conclusion God exists. I watched Tim Pool and Ian (Ian is wonky but he is open and honest) come logically come to the conclusion one night we live in a simulation. Uh huh. Who’s simulation?
Pool is an example. I have watched him for a long time. He went from hard liberal to leaning strongly conservative and not speaking about actual good and evil. He calls people demons. And he has stated he means that literally.
Conservatism (not Republican) is inevitable if you follow the logic trail. Liberalism (as we define it today) is inevitable if you apply no logic.
This is why liberalism appeals so strongly to women as it plays almost entirely on emotion and how one feels. Which is clearly a poor decision making mechanism.
@Vknid : Ya, he has been slowly morphing into something different the past few years. I used to think he was an idiot, until one day I saw one of his video’s pop up about something I agree with. I saw a few more over time, then I subbed to him. I think he is a genuine good person who asks questions that need asking.
After he posted the video about his baptism, the next day he was talking about Tarot cards, so now people are saying he is not genuine. I disagree. He is still trying to find his footing in something new. Eventually he will understand why god is against Tarot, which are “divination and fortune-telling”, and what the bible says about things like that.
After DV mentioned the video, I had to go check it out. I’ve only seen bits of them and haven’t had a chance to watch them. One thing is David Icke, the Brit, popped up and made some snarky comment and RB took it right on directly. He didn’t duck it. I’ve also seen other guys I listen to say that RB is doing “the Jesus Grift.” Right. Sure. Because it’s just so easy, right? It’s odd because I have one strong believe in my family and the rest think religion is a racket. There is no question that there are very powerful forces surrounding faith. It’s never ever been popular to be a believer, which is one reason I like people that will preach a positive message no matter what. People like Melonie Mac. People like Eduardo Vastegui. There are others out there that are super consistent. Sean Feucht. None of them are perfect. If and when I meed my end, I’ll tell you what, that I always looked up to the faithful and those who pursued that route in life. I remember some Time Magazine index or some magazine and it had something like rating satisfactions in vocation and Clergy was number one. I would have NEVER thought that. Nuns, pastors, priests, people who serve were the most content and fulfilled.
As Candace Owens converts to Catholicism following her departure from The Daily Wire why are more young people turning to some form of faith, and are the critics of this right when they claim that religion causes most of the conflict in the world?
I got baptised at the weekend, as we’re seeing a surge in faith among young people. Why is this happening?