Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › YouTube Policy Change Oct 1, 2020
I don’t know all the details and punishment for the highlighted paragraph or what this ultimately means. It does look like that the Demonetized videos will be harmful to Primary Channels and Secondary Channels. Thanks to ItsAGundam for posting this to Twitter, he doesn’t seem to know what this means either. I do not take credit for posting this, forwarding the information.
This is all part of the agenda. They are clamping down on free speech because YouTube helped Trump win in 2016. I wrote post about the “Great Hooker Purge” a few days ago. This is what it said:
Right after 2016, a Democrat-led and RINO led effort occurred to fight “sex trafficking”. As a result, all the escort websites were shut down. What the MSM failed to tell you though was that hundreds of thousands of videos, documents, and websites were shut down too. Anything that had to do with “dangerous conspiracy”. I write books as a hobby and I have note-taking software that saves links. On the same day as the hooker purge, about 40% of my links to YouTube videos were no longer active.
Now, why on earth would they do that? None of the links had anything to do with “sex trafficking”. Well, this is why. Here is an article out today from PEW research that states 26% of all adults get their news from YouTube.
YouTube helped Trump win in 2016 and they wanted to take out this form of influence. That is how deep the agenda goes.