YouTube to start banning abortion “misinformation”

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube YouTube to start banning abortion “misinformation”

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      Big Tech, arbiters of “truth”.  Disagree and be banned.


      YouTube to start banning abortion “misinformation”


        Abortions is murder…. Not misinformation TRUTH.


        The agenda/narrative/big money is all that they care about.

        Facts and truth are just words they change the meaning of when it suits them.

        All abortions are INFANTICIDE / murder.

        But to a cult that hates human life, the more they can butcher (in the womb, post-birth, or on a battle field-WAR), the better for them to control human population numbers.



          I agree, it is murder.  I think their goal is to devalue life but abortion is just 1 part of that.  It is being done in all facets of society.  And in my mind this is THE value we hold most true to in this country.  But we are quickly losing it.

          Although to be quite honest I believe there is some racist connection with abortion.  Of course that “push” started with Sanger and I believe that is still there given how abortion affects the black community.  For example, I know there have been recent years in New York City where more black infants were aborted than born.  What is that if not eugenics.

          At the end of the day ALL life has to have value or none of it does. And that “value proposition” IS NOT a ratio as it relates to how inconvenient that life might be to your lifestyle.

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