YouTube Will Stop Sending Email Notifications…

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube YouTube Will Stop Sending Email Notifications…

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    YouTube Will Stop Sending Email Notifications to Alert Channel Subscribers to New Content

    This is a shame because email notification to channels i subbed to was the main way i got updates or new content.

    Published Aug. 10, 2020 Article link:

    I hope it’s a temp thing?


    I login in daily and look in my subscription tabs.

    There I see all the new content, and spend my evening enjoying them.

    After it is watched, a watched icon is place on the video.

    If it was one I did not place into my FAV/like I usually then put on hide so I only see new content.


    As one who did not use the email notification option, I will not miss it.



    It all goes straight into my junk mail folder anyway. I just deleted 59,200+ emails the other day from one of my accounts (14 years of emails). I knew I’d never read them and I don’t want the possibility of anyone else reading them either.


      I have deactivated getting mails from YT but activated the Browser Push Notification… but now they changed it so only like 3 videos per day per channel get notifications… I mean it’s not like I click the bell on a channel for a reason…


      I got a bit miffed at having to log in to get notifications so I made a tool to allow me to get notified without ever needing to log in.

      it downloads the page get the “” links then crc checks them and count the video links.

      if links crc check changes then it alerts me and shows “has new video” yes and i can use tool to open it.



      I certain/special channels I am sub’d to, I do have the notifications on.

      So seeing that bell icon turn red with a number of notifications as about it for me.


      i never had em enabled in the first place. There are enough sites drowning my inbox with junk mail. If and when I want to watch the tube I’ll go to the tube.

      However what they seem to be annyonig me with recently, is that a lot of times there will be a notification icon next to a channel, like they posted new content, but I Go there and there is nothing new for days, WTH? Why are they trying to waste my time?


      What I do is I put a bookmark that goes right to my subscriptions.  Every day I instantly see what new things have been posted.  Works like a charm and less email.


      Eh, already have enough junk email. Don’t generally use email notifications for stuff like YouTube.

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