Warner Bros. Games Starts New Women and Non-Binary Leadership Program

In today’s example of things getting worse before they get… even worse, I guess, Built In reports that Warner Bros. Games, the video game division of Warner Bros. Discovery, has started an initiative called the Women and Non-Binary Leadership Program. Its goal is to “upend the gaming industry’s male-dominated characterization” and “cultivate career development opportunities for underrepresented individuals within the gaming sector, elevating diverse voices to leadership roles and shaping a more inclusive future for the industry.” So far, they’ve talked to twenty-five “women and non-binary leaders from across Warner Bros. Games’ 11 global studios and global publishing and central teams.”

Initially, the sight of this makes you wonder how the company that just whined about losing $200 million on their stupid woke Suicide Squad game could be dumb enough to lean further into the stuff that’s ruining them, but a closer look says that this isn’t as bad as it looks. It’s mostly a group struggle session for women and “non-binary” employees to hug and vent about the patriarchy’s irrational love for Batman. Look at this paragraph:

“Central to the program’s success is its emphasis on community building and self-reflection. Through a blend of structured workshops and candid conversations, participants found a safe space to share experiences and support one another. Beyond professional growth, the program sparked personal revelations, leading participants to prioritize self-care and embrace opportunities for continuous learning.”

That sounds like a lot of nothing to me, like those annoying workshops they make you do for “team-building” and “synergy” and whatever other stupid words or phrases they make up this week. Even the “male-dominated” line is about “characterization” rather than reality, like they’re saying they want the women who work in the industry to feel like there are more of them than there really are, so they’re arranging a play date. So, I think this may be Warner Bros.’s way of appeasing woke lefty nuts without doing anything tangible that can hurt their business any more than they already have. I hope that’s the case, anyway; if we’ve learned nothing else in the last several years, it’s that whatever any entertainment industry is doing can always be worse than what you think it is. (You know that story about the gender-swapped Mr. Freeze, Mrs. Freeze, in a future Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League season? Yeah, that’s been all but confirmed.) But so far, this looks like a smokescreen.

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