Who Will Be in Andor Season 2?

Some exciting news has come out regarding Andor season 2. Specifically, some more Rogue One characters will appear in the second and final season of that films prequel series. Diego Luna offered this sentiment at ACE Superhero Comic Con (via Forbes):

“I can tell you, Rogue One is coming, so there will be characters there that you will recognize. There will be cool stuff. For those who love Rogue One, this season is going to be very special. And it’s going to be fascinating to go straight to Rogue One after watching this second season, because you will see Rogue One from a different perspective. I promise you that.”

Additionally, The Playlist reports that Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) will appear. Mendelsohn already denied being in the show, but one of Andor’s directors, Alonso Ruizpalacios, accidentally confirmed Mendelsohn’s appearance in this quote when expressing appreciation for the opportunity to work with him. 

Andor Season 2 Rogue One

Honestly, I’m just excited for more of this excellent series. Shows like Ahsoka and, most especially, The Acolyte have given me a new appreciation for the best Disney+ show. That doesn’t sound like a lot since most of them stink. But Andor is phenomenal in almost every category. The thing that’s strange for me is I didn’t like Rogue One. I thought it was vastly overrated, so I was surprised to enjoy Andor so much. But I love what they’ve done with Andor and Mon Mothma here, not to mention original characters like Kino Loy and Luthen Real. I don’t care about seeing Krennic or the sassy droid because I don’t care about Rogue One, but I’d watch this show no matter what after that first season. I just hope one more season is enough time to wrap it up well. 

Comments (2)

June 27, 2024 at 2:35 pm

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June 28, 2024 at 1:10 am

I don’t understand the individual dislike of Rogue One but each to their own. I thought it was a fine entry into the saga, well produced and acted with a nice dove tail into the original Star Wars.

Andor was by and large excellent. I thought it was perhaps one episode too long however it is certainly worthy of repeat viewing – something none of the other D+ Star Wars offerings can boast.

I’m looking forward to Season 2.

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