YouTubers SSSniperwolf and Jacksfilms Embroiled in Doxxing Fiasco

An internet feud between two popular YouTubers turned dangerous the other day. According to Insider, SSSniperwolf and Jacksfilms have been going back and forth for the better part of a year, with Jacksfilms accusing SSSniperworlf of using other people’s content without crediting them and SSSniperwolf hitting back. But their conflict came to a head on October 14, when SSSniperwolf asked her followers on Instagram if she should confront Jacksfilms since she was filming something close to where he lives; she then posted a picture of his house with the message “Let’s talk like adults,” which she then took down. Jacksfilms saw the post and tweeted about it, asking YouTube to demonetize SSSniperwolf for violating its terms of service, which prohibit doxxing. SSSniperwolf countered that Jacksfilms had been “harassing” her for a long time, and they continued taking shots at each other. Jacksfilms’ YouTube channel is mostly centered on parody videos; SSSniperwolf is ostensibly a gamer, but most of her recent videos appear to be reactions.

At the outset, doxxing is wrong and a terrible, dangerous thing to do. These people have massive internet followings; SSSniperwolf has 34 million YouTube subscribers, 5 million Instagram followers, and 341,000 Twitch followers. That’s an awful lot of people, and the odds of at least a handful of them being less than sane are high. An artist shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of their fans, but if you’re posting pictures of someone’s house without their permission, especially with an antagonistic tone, it becomes your fault if something bad happens. It’s also definitively against YouTube’s terms of service, and it’s glaring that the platform hasn’t taken any action against SSSniperwolf yet while other people have been punished for a lot less. Aside from that, I don’t understand this ridiculous feud. SSSniperwolf has all those followers, and Jacksfilms has 4.91 million YouTube subscribers and 1.71 million Twitter followers. They don’t need to pull childish stunts like this for clicks or clout, and it got so out of hand that one of them doxxed the other. I hope Jacksfilms and his wife are okay and this thing blows over quickly, but good God, grow up.

An in-depth conversation about this took place on the Side Scrollers podcast (where Blabs has been rocking and rolling as the co-host) with RazörFist:

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